I am a sucker for love and a sucker for those in love. I want everyone to be happy due to romance. Many people in Gen-Y don’t believe in love, have never had it, or, just don’t think they have the time for it. Due to changes in traditions- like having close guy/girl friends or maybe even close co-workers, we may ignore the fact that love is right in our face, or we just don’t even know it…yet.
I am always the first to call out people who either A) are crushing on each other, B) meant for each other, C) or both A and B. If you’re into it, just do it. Or if I think you are capable of being into it, just do it, too. You, the reader, most likely have someone in your life that you would love to pal around with; someone you would love to spend alone time with; someone you are more than interested in. Keep that person in mind right now.
Does this person…
1) Put your ideas down, or put you beneath them? Do they believe in you?
Do they…
2) Listen, hug, and text when asked for help?
Do you…
3) Offer assistance when needed and when not needed? Ex: drive them places, send a random text like “have a good day” or “thinking of you?”
When out, do you both…
4) Stay near each other or pay for each other’s drinks?
Let us say that someone is crushing on the person you’re potentially (or are) crushing on…
5) Are you jealous?
On your off time, do you find yourself…
6) Thinking of this person? Wishing they were around?
Do you look for them…
7) The second you get to a party? At a bar? In the office?
Something really good happened to you today, are they…
8) The first person you want to tell? One of the first? Would they tell you if something good happened to them?
Does this person…
9) Know your schedule? Call you when they’re free, even if it’s for 5 minutes?
10) Bring out the best in you? Even when you have a rain cloud over your head?
Well, you know my answer if you answered “yes” to most of these questions. I’m not saying you’re madly in love with this person- use the term “in love” loosely here. Kind of like saying you’re in love with a food or a dog, you’re not really in love with it, are you? My next step for you would be to make a move if you answered “yes” to most of these questions. You never know what you might find out. Never fear the unknown, and if you’re looking for a sign, this is it.
Tags : Advice for Men, Advice for Women, Dating for Men, Dating for Women, Girlzone, Happiness, life, Love
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