Dating for Women Tag

Here is another one for you folks obsessed with the hookup culture. The word relationship has a definition in the dictionary, but it does not follow a specific mould in practice. Average relationships last three to five months, but is anyone taking into account the micro relationship? A one night stand is just that, a micro relationship. It is a much nicer way of putting what has become norm turned back taboo turned back norm and now I’m not even sure what it is. Within a matter of hours an entireRead More
The stories you are about to read are all 100% true. Names, locations, and other identifying characteristics have not been changed to protect the innocent. Namely, because the only innocent person in these scenarios is me.   10. Guy: “I’m not gonna bust inside you, I’m a nice Jewish boy.” Me: *Nopes the fuck out*   9. Guy mumbles something. Me: “What?” Guy: “I’m tired.” Then proceeds to roll over and pass tf out on top of me. In a twin bed. While I am struck with the undeniable andRead More

Posted On August 16, 2014By Allison ShelbyIn Dating For Men, Dating For Women, Girlzone

Forget the Relationship Trivia

Have you ever had your significant other forget something you told him or her that you found to be very important? Did it make your blood boil and a pulse begin in your temples? Well, it’s happened to me, and I’m sure I’m not alone. The difference is that I have finally realized that just like memorizing stupid BS for tests like the ACT and SAT, remembering every little insignificant detail of someone’s life will prove boring and the information will be gone as soon as it is no longerRead More
I’ve always found the concept of breaking up with someone both unsettling and sad. Whenever I hear of a friend or family member’s relationship coming to an end, I feel somewhat disappointed that another love has failed yet again. Coming from a family where my parents met and fell in love at 15, I grew up believing in the whole “fairy-tale” ending phenomenon. I just didn’t understand how if two people loved each other so much they could even fathom ending things. I think this is part of the reasonRead More

Posted On August 13, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Dating For Women, Girlzone

Not Ok on OkCupid

Recent events have inspired me to web wander into the atrocious abyss that is OkCupid and create a profile. Recent events include but are not limited to: being the third wheel to friends and their brunch dates, realizing my sexual activity rate (0%), and watching my relatives celebrate the legalization of gay marriage in this state because they think I am a lesbian. Browsing, messaging and, essentially, applying on OkCupid is a combined concoction of a depletion of one’s soul and visionless hope. It is like applying for your dream jobRead More

Posted On August 11, 2014By Kelsey DarlingIn Dating For Women, Girlzone

Why Did You Kiss Me: A Speculation of Motives

I keep a make-out list.  If our lips have ever touched then your name is on it, along with interesting characteristics and goals that I check off as I accomplish them.  I’ve managed to secure Romanian, pre-med, and older gentleman (30+ years old) check marks, but am still seeking redhead, in a wheelchair, and Harrison Ford. Though I keep a record of the Whos and Whats, I’ve never much considered the Whys.  Why did you kiss me?  What follows is my retrospective understanding of the reasoning behind some of theRead More

Posted On August 11, 2014By Natasha ArtwellIn Dating For Men, Dating For Women, Girlzone

It’s The Little Things That Count

I once met a wonderful couple at a wedding that had been married for nearly 50 years. When I asked them what the secret was to a long-lasting marriage, the wife paused, looked at me and said, “Alcohol.” It happens: We meet the person of our dreams, fall in love, wake up smiling and go to bed feeling perfect. We make a conscious effort with our appearance and stay up late talking on the phone. We shower each other with surprises and spontaneous adventures. We take our love into considerationRead More
1. White males are statistically wayyyyy more likely to be serial killers. Source.   2. If I go on a beach date with a white guy, I’ll have to stop my sea-frolicking every 30 minutes so he can put on sunscreen. Or worse, I’ll have to help him apply it on his back in those hard-to-reach places. I hate touching people’s backs.   3. My dad is white. I do not have daddy issues.   4. White guys listen to bands like Death Cab for Cutie and Panic! At theRead More
When getting to know someone, I wish it was casual to bring up the high school “21 questions” game. I know my friends and I played this often with guys/girls, so why can’t it still apply in the adult years? It’s a fun, easy and interesting way to get to know someone. Honestly, at a younger age the deepest questions were “how far have you gone with a girl/guy?” and now, you just ask the other what their preferences are (maybe). Take these questions into consideration when you’re texting someone, Tindering,Read More

Posted On August 2, 2014By The Bored MillennialIn Internet, The Scene

The Hot vs Crazy Matrix

This video should be considered and educational piece for guys to decide whether or not a girl will be “dateable.” Also, he clearly lays out how girls judge guys (money and hotness duh). The WASP of a man totally nailed it…I mean, every “Tiffany” I have met, was effing crazy. Please watch and take notes. (*note just jump to :53 when he starts doing the graph). Where my unicorns at?!  Read More
Independence while dating may be the most important part of your relationship. Now, I’m not a cynic. In fact, I believe that you should enter any relationship (be it friendship or more) with trust and an open mind. However, this does not mean you have to sacrifice your lifestyle before you met your new significant other. Creating a solid foundation for yourself is as important as the dating part. Here are some tips to keep your independence while dating:   1. Friends: It is so important to keep your friendsRead More

Posted On July 31, 2014By StaffIn Dating For Women, Girlzone

Doing Tinder Wrong: Part I

It’s been about a year since I downloaded Tinder and we’ve shared some interesting times. Not good times; mostly bad/weird times, and one good time that turned bad. I only met up with 2 guys from Tinder, so in other words I made 2 huge mistakes. Here’s the first one: It was in my beginning stages of Tinder, you know, back when you’re getting more matches than you thought was possible (do THAT many people really find me attractive? If so, why am I on Tinder)? And you talk to eachRead More
  After two years as a resident of San Francisco, one serious relationship, and a dozen-ish fernet-fueled make-outs in dive bars throughout this 7 by 7 span of expensive earth, I have been there and I have done that.  And after circumstantially created dates as cause of Tinder, OkCupid, Grouper and Hinge, I have done even that. The complicated species that is San Francisco man falls into five distinct archetypes.  (Although it is rude to overgeneralize, my observations and scientifically calculated data boasts extensive evidence that props these patterns).   1. Read More
First dates are like interviews. At least in my experience. Every halfway decent one I’ve ever been on is a volley of questions, as if both parties are reporters and the person across the table is his or her subject. Except instead of writing about them, both people are tasked with trying to decide whether this person has enough potential to be included in future plans – whether that is a second date, a night of wild sex, and/or everlasting love. But in my experience, these questions have been mostlyRead More

Posted On July 16, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Dating For Women, Girlzone, Miscellaneous

This is How You Lose Her

I don’t know what time it is.  I refuse to look because it makes being awake worse. I’m caught in this buzzed state, wanting to be quiet, mind and body, wanting to be accepting and still and lie next to you, strewn diagonal amongst the chaos of covers and unsteadily tucked sheets.  I know it has been hours.  I’m too sensitive of time and my perception of it surreptitiously slips in as I wake before alarms. I’m angry.  I’m angry you revealed moments before sleep that you’re looking for jobsRead More