6 months ago I walked across the stage at Madison Square Garden, accepted my college diploma, and took a selfie. 6 months ago I said farewell to a place I had called home for the past four years. 6 months gone, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss the long nights turned into mornings spent with people I’ll never forget. Post-grads of the present warned us how much we’d miss college, how the real world was terrifying, boring, and all you would want to do was go back.
Read MoreWhile good-intentioned, the article 3Things You Never Say to a Lady is actually in itself, if not male bafoonery, then an example of a communication breakdown. Good for you for realizing the idiocy of some of your male peers, but if you want to treat women right then you might need to re-evaluate the reasons behind your behaviors. Don’t change the subject about weight in order to avoid saying something you’ll regret, or passively agree for the sake of keeping the peace, or offer to pay simply because you are
Read MoreDear Men, The good ones are out there. They’re just tired. Too many of you have concluded that women are a mystery; that it’s impossible to deduce what we want. The good ones seem to be taken, and the alluring ones won’t go for you. It’s frustrating. I understand that. But I’d like to stand up for a population of incredible women and tell you that the right one is out there, she’s just been beaten down by the 20-something dating scene, and she’s searching for something different.
Read MoreIf you’re a functioning human being, you need to have a good LinkedIn profile. “But Writtalin, I love my job!” said no one ever, “I would never want to leave!” Not a valid excuse. At some point in your future, you’ll either need or want to begin the job search anew, and you’ll kick yourself for not keeping your profile up-to-date when you had the resources to do so. Now it just looks like you’ve been working at the same pizza restaurant that you delivered for in high school for
Read MoreConsider this a rebuttal to Shannon’s piece, or consider this an incomplete guide to ALL the things women do that piss us off. As you may have expected, this list of female annoyances is longer than its male counterpart, for obvious reasons: women are amongst the most annoying creatures to ever inhabit this planet. Yeah, we can’t live without them…but sometimes we really wish we could. Here are some common things chicks do that drive dudes up the freakin’ walls. Reading WAY too much into things we don’t give any
Read MoreAs an entire unit, women weren’t on their best behavior in 2013. We can blame Miley all we want, but at the end of the day, we are the only ones responsible for our piss poor antics. Amanda Bynes was out here busting it wide open on Twitter, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey were acting like children on American Idol, Kim K was doing far too much as usual, and don’t get me started on the animals who star in shows like “Love and Hip Hop” and “Basketball Wives”. Apparently,
Read MoreNo more beanbag chairs and using paper towels to dry off after a shower (if you haven’t tried that ever, you should), it is 2014 and you need to get your shit together. This is a list of things that you should own as an adult male, that is, unless your New Year’s Resolution was to “Live Life Like a Character from Workaholics.” Buying secondhand is fine, I don’t really care how you get it done. But I am sick of going to a friend’s house and being offered a
Read MoreI get it bros. Most of us think we’re the most badass dudes in the world and that the only thing we need to change about ourselves is the car we drive or the money in our bank account. But no matter who you are, there is always room for improvement. Here are five easy, productive changes for men to make in 2014. Get it done. #5 – Be a Fucking Gentleman Too many dudes these days don’t care enough about chivalry. No, you don’t need to give the
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