It’s easy to always put the blame on your end, to think and assume that every fiasco is because of your doing, to just apologize even when it’s beyond your control. You have grown so attached to the notion that saying sorry will always make up for things, will always restore them back to how they are. I regret to break this to you but no, ‘sorry’ isn’t a magic word you can just blurt out to get things working how they used to be. You have to realize that
Read MoreWe can’t stop, and we won’t stop—Well, you should stop. New Year resolutions are great—if you’re the type of person who is so self-disciplined that you can actually follow through with your promises for longer than one week—aka, you’re probably not human. So, as imperfect humans, we are typically more prone to listen when we are told no, don’t, STOP. The negative is always more powerful, and I’m going to put that to the test. 15 Stop-It’s for 2014 Stop spending more on material goods than on experiences. It’s great
Read MoreIt’s time to stop kidding ourselves. Resolution #1: Lose weight Actual outcome: Go to the gym a couple times a week but still eat like shit and drink like a frat boy on the weekends, resulting in maybe a pound lost and regained over the course of a month. Rinse, repeat. Resolution #2: Cook for myself and stop eating pasta and salad every night like a scrub Actual outcome: Maybe cook quinoa or lentils every once in a while. Continue to buy the Publix pre-made roasted chicken. Resolution #3: Keep a budget
Read MoreRemember when you placed second in that declamation contest back in sixth grade? That supporting role you played during a school event? Or that masterpiece you worked hard day and night for but wasn’t published? You know you won’t let yourself forget all those so-called mediocrities, so you just sulk in your nook and cringe your way through the day trying to convince yourself you’ll never be good enough for anything, for anyone. You get so shell-shocked with all that has been going inside your brain, thinking about every possible
Read MoreIf the rise of superhero movies has taught us anything lately, it’s that audiences still crave stories about lone heroes taking on a world of injustice (seriously, to the tune of $95 million for the second weekend of Captain America: The Winter Soldier). Spider Man, Batman, The Man of Steel, heck, even movies like Divergent, 300, and The Hunger Games all prove it; people are obsessed with stories about someone with powerful, unique inner potential. Has anyone ever watched Bond, James Bond, kicking ass and taking names while looking slick
Read MoreI don’t like the gym. Call me crazy, but I would rather spend all day wandering a trail in the backcountry than run on a rotating belt while staring at a wall. Unfortunately, shit happens (read: stress fractures) and I grind it out on the elliptical and lift heavy things. The last 6-8 weeks have been eye opening into the world of stair-masters and bro tanks. Here are a few observations and recommendations when hitting the gym… TO THE LADIES: I don’t trust girls with skinny arms. Blame it
Read MoreSometimes we need a little pick-me-up. Spring is approaching, and with weddings and reunions on the calendar, we will be reunited with friends we haven’t seen in awhile because we are done hibernating and the sun is out. You’re going to be asked about your profession, your love life, and if you’ve signed up for any half-marathons. Panic can present itself when we are thrown into these events after a winter of eating Girl Scout cookies and Tinder dates (not eating the dates…you know what I mean). Here are five simple steps
Read MoreInspirational quotes and motivational posters can be good things. Sometimes they can be just the thing you need to give you an idea or create a spark that can change your life. However, in reference to the droves of Pinterest circle jerks and Facebook reposts, I think it’s important to realize that there’s a lot that goes beyond a simple sentence on a physical or virtual wall. It’s often referred to as life – and sometimes it sucks and is unfair, sometimes things won’t make you stronger, and sometimes you
Read MoreWrittalin’s very own Patrick Smith composed a poignant and touching ode to his past self a few days ago (okay it wasn’t an ode…wait, what is an ode? Ode, ode, ode. Haha. Funny word. Sorry.). In it, he endearingly reminisced over the olden days of high-school when everything seemed to suck a little better than it sucks now. I think we can agree that most of our hair-styles were fun while they lasted, along with the relationships, and the fears of never getting to second base. But hidden under the laughs
Read MoreUnlike in today’s world, food was scarcely available to our ancient ancestors. The cavemen had to hunt and gather for their food and eat tiny scraps that were barely enough to survive on. Food was not consumed for its taste, but for the pure purpose of providing energy and life. A handful of berries, a few slimy bugs, or better yet, a bloody, fatty, raw morsel of squirrel meat was considered good eatin’ for the day. Hell, in my anthropology class about the ancient Aztecs, I learned that the most
Read MoreThe search for happiness: a highly sought-after feeling. A common goal for millions of people spanning across every culture, gender, religion, age, and tax bracket. Aside from those who spend a lifetime attaining power, money and fame, what most people want most in life is to be HAPPY. Many of us see a therapist to fulfill that need, some of us may even take a pill to drown out the bad feelings and replace them with what we assume is “happiness.” I’m never too proud to admit that I’ve experienced
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