I’m not a football fan. I have no desire to watch games on TV, and if drug to a live game, I will promptly grab the strongest drink that I pass and enjoy myself in that way. Football, for me, means alcohol and socialization, not watching a game. But, when something like Michael Sam’s media coverage is plastered on my Facebook and Twitter, I have to pay some attention; it’s the price of wanting to stay current. So naturally, I have some opinions. Apparently, Michael Sam was recently compared to
Read MoreBefore I start here, let me be clear: I’m an ardent supporter of gay rights. I believe that being gay is no more of a choice than being white, black, brown, or blue. I believe that gay people are absolute equals in society, and should be treated accordingly. I’ve voted in support of gay marriage every chance I’ve had. And perhaps most on-point, I believe that a gay football player is just as qualified to be in the NFL as a heterosexual player. And that brings us to Michael Sam.
Read MorePosted On March 19, 2014By Anthony KozlowskiIn Movies
Oh, Facebook. Thank God I have you to tell me what I want. Think of all the things I’d miss out on if I just stuck to Netflix reruns of Archer. When I logged on the other day, I found the typical slew of game and app suggestions accompanied by the usual “10 of your friends like this” tagline. I was just about to download Siege of Legends (or Legend of the Siege, I can’t remember which), when I stumbled upon an ad quite different from the cutesy FlappyBird ripoffs.
Read MoreWith public transportation run-ins, Tinder, OKcupid, Grouper and nights out on the town, young adulthood boasts an impressive collection of resources to meet people, presenting us with options and people we may not have ever met otherwise, proving to be both a good and bad thing. Below is a collection of men you just shouldn’t date under any circumstances. 1. The Travel Titan What happens abroad should stay abroad. Just because you realize a foreign-landed fling has moved to the same city as you, you do not need to
Read MoreIt seems the internet isn’t serving its function unless there’s something that everyone is foaming at the mouth about. Case and point: the recent upheaval surrounding a certain Duke underclassman that has sparked the largest feminist discussion this side of a Women’s Studies class. If for some reason you don’t know what I’m talking about, perhaps this will refresh your memory: This little story sent the blogs, forums, online publications and YouTube channels into a tailspin over the past week. It seems everyone from Huffington Post to The Daily Beast
Read MoreLast week, Duke University’s student-run newspaper, The Chronicle, reported a story that has since become a viral phenomenon: a freshman girl at the university, referred to only as “Lauren,” is working as a porn “star” to help pay for her tuition (not sure why every porn actress is referred to as a “star,” but that is a discussion for another time). Predictably, this discussion has led to an all-out shitstorm in our society, which seems to be more accepting of alternative lifestyles by the day – for better and for worse. In no
Read MoreHas it been too long since you learned some facts? Would you like to think about sex under the guise of learning? Well, fear not, #writtalifers, because I am here to take care of you. Sperm has a sense of smell. The largest natural breasts in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, measure (drumroll, please…) 70 INCHES, OR, 5.83 FEET. I wish I could capitalize numbers for emphasis, because my back hurts just thinking about that. Some women can orgasm from their nipples. Some can
Read MoreEveryone has their personal list of “no-nos” for what they think is acceptable when gettin’ it on. Be that as it may, here are a few “don’ts” that I hope would be on everyone’s list: #1 – Socks I don’t know about you, but I think keeping your socks on during sex is just weird. Sex is something you’re supposed to do naked, and to keep that one awkward article on is just silly. It’s not hard to take those socks off, so just do it. #2 – Criticism No one likes
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