Posted On February 12, 2014 By In Dating For Women, Girlzone

How to Survive Valentine’s Day


Just a few days until THE DAY. For some of you, it’s the day that you’ve had high hopes for since February 15th of LAST year, but for some of you, it’s the day that you’ve been hoping finds you either A) single and happily unattached or B) ANYTHING but single and forever alone. Now, I’m not the most romantic female on the planet, but I am a woman after all, so I’ve got a little sweetness in me somewhere. I’ve been on both sides of the coin here- I’ve been blissfully anticipating the 14th and all that Hallmark tells me I have in store, and I’ve been a pouty little wench hoping every girl gets ONLY orange creme filled chocolates in their heart shaped boxes. HOWEVER, now that I see the world through my oh-so-pragmatic clear eyeballs, I will let you all know how to survive Valentine’s Day if you are single and if you are in a committed (or not so committed) relationship.

Single or taken, don't end up like this on Friday.

Single or taken, don’t end up like this on Friday.


Stay the EFF off Facebook. 

Listen – if you’re going to take any of the following advice I have to give, take this one SERIOUSLY. Avoid social media at all costs. Facebook and Instagram will be littered with photos of engagement rings, flowers, and all that crap you DIDN’T get. It’s only going to make you even more miserable. So delete IG from your phone, temporarily disable your Facebook – do what you have to do AT ALL COSTS. Even the $5.99 wilted carnations are nicer than the ones you got…because you didn’t get squat.



Stay the EFF off Facebook. 

Every year I wonder if women like Valentine’s Day because they really are romantic and want to devote a day to their sweetheart showering them with love and affection, OR if it’s because they can’t wait to post photos of all their gifts online. Valentine’s Day should be about you and your one special person. It should not be a social media pissing contest with you and all the other vapid women on your friends list. For some reason, it makes a lot of women feel good to have other women be jealous of them. Therefore, the second they open their heart shaped sterling silver pendant their boyfriend had their mom pick out for them, it’s already uploaded to Instagram. #luckiest #myboyfriendisbetterthanyours #sorrynotsorry #betterlucknextyear #hihaters…GROW UP.



Please note that this day is only 24 hours long and it’ll all be over soon.

It’s almost over. Deep breaths. Tomorrow is a brand new day filled with opportunity, hope and 50% off Valentine’s Day chocolate at CVS.



Quality over quantity.

So many of us focus on being as elaborate as possible on this big, giant, special Christmas-for-lovers day. Sure, the surprises, chocolates, jewelry, and life-sized teddy bears are a real hoot and  holler, BUT let’s focus on what this day was originally supposed to be about. February 14th is supposed to be a day devoted to LOVE – to showing how much you care for and appreciate the most important people in your life. Should you have a special someone that you like to kiss on the lips, don’t worry about spending all of your hard earned pennies on lavish gifts. Instead, do something out of the ordinary to express your love. Do something thoughtful. Do something special. Do something that doesn’t include being a pain in the ass.


Keep busy. Spend the day doing something productive (Taking a deeper look at why you’re spending today alone would be a great place to start).

Not to pour salt on the wound or anything, but if you find yourself sitting in alone in the dark sticking pins in miniature dolls adorned with your ex boyfriends’ faces on them, maybe you should do some self-evaluation; some cause and effect if you will. Choose to stay busy on February 14th. Treat it like any old day. BUT if you can’t ignore the date, think positively and productively. Think about what you could be doing to better your chances of finding love. Open yourself up to the universe, change your attitude, and maybe next year you’ll get some crappy roses delivered to your door too.



Don’t have high expectations for this day…(especially if you’re a woman).

Hate to break it to you – men F’ing HATE Valentine’s Day – even the good ones. To them, it’s an overly hyped, money sucking, stressful day for them to disappoint the woman in their life. First of all, most men have NO idea that Friday is Valentine’s Day and they won’t have a clue until he gets your “Happy V-Day Baby xoxoxoxoxoox” text at 5AM. So chances are, anything he does do for you is going to be last minute and extremely half-assed. So do yourself a favor, and don’t get your hopes up for something you once saw in Love Actually (That shit doesn’t happen in real life). Just be appreciative of whatever he does do for you instead. Be grateful for the time he spends with you, because that’s really what should be putting a smile on your face anyway.



Don’t tweet some obnoxious miserable quote about how much you hate today and how you’re better off alone anyway. DO not post some “Independent Woman” Beyonce lyrics either.
Just don’t. No one believes you anyway.



Whether you’re single or in the deepest, deepest of love – chill out on Friday. It’s not a big deal. Just be happy you’re alive, that you live in a free country, and that you’re not Justin Bieber.
You could have it worse.

You could have it worse.




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