In this moment, you are afraid.
You are afraid of being successful in your dream job you just landed. Afraid of failing grades in one of your classes at university. Afraid of possibly getting the opportunity to make a girl happy for the rest of her life. Afraid of possibly getting the opportunity to make a guy happy for the rest of his life. Afraid to ask for help in any part of your life. Afraid of letting YOURSELF be happy for the rest of YOUR life.
In this moment, you are overwhelmed.
You are overwhelmed by the schoolwork you have to do or stuff for work to complete by a certain date. Overwhelmed by opportunities offered to you in the real world for a career or further education. Overwhelmed that you are graduating from university in a year (let alone being a senior now). Overwhelmed at how much you owe back to the government in loans from university.
In this moment, you are heavyhearted.
You are heavyhearted because you will be leaving your best friends for the past four years next year and you will all go off in different directions. Heavyhearted because everything that’s come with university will soon come to an end (the parties, classes, schoolwork, late movie nights, 2am pizza runs, nights of drinking, going out twice a week, etc). Heavyhearted because you know deep down that you will never be able to experience these things in the same way again like you did with the special people you met here.
However, in this moment, you are FREE. And in this moment, you let go of all fear, confusion, and heavyheartedness.
When university comes to an end, many graduates believe that the freedom they had while in school also comes to an end. They forget that freedom is part of what you learn when attending university. YOU get to choose who you want to be, what you want to wear, what you want to study, etc. Yes, most of the things listed above come to a what seems like an abrupt end, but the freedom will always stay with you. The fear, anxiety, and heavyheartedness throughout your four years, fortunately, ends! Unfortunately, it will begin again when you enter the career world, but these emotions are felt in a different way. Although I’m not a college graduate myself (next Spring I will be!), I am constantly reassuring myself that graduation is in no means signaling an end to your freedom with what you want to do with your life. Now that you have spent these past four years building up what freedom means to you, go out and take action. Live it. Live your dream, whatever that means to you.
Tags : advice, Advice for Men, Advice for Women, College, Girlzone, graduation, Growing Up, lifestyle, milestone, Millennials, real world, Society, Young Adults
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