Today is my 26th birthday. Two years ago, on my 24th birthday, I wrote a list of the 24 lessons life had taught me in 24 years. So, on this, my 26th birthday, I would like to amend and add to that list. Some things change, some stay the same. Here’s what 26 years on this planet have taught me: 1. Don’t drink shitty beer. If it ain’t craft-brewed, it likely tastes like horse piss. 2. Not everyone finds offensive jokes funny. Some people find them offensive. These people suck, though.
Read MoreIn the age of virtual reality, it’s never been easier to avoid actual reality. It’s acceptable now to send digital messages over speaking face-to-face, to surf your phone while out on a date, and to wear earphones in both ears while driving (this one bothers me the most for some reason). But there’s a centuries old practice which still remains the most effective way to produce and cultivate relationships. Going out for beers. It’s simple, yet often overlooked. Having beers is a social convention that dissolves all differences and brings
Read MoreWhen we were younger, we wanted to be older. Now that we’re older, we want to be younger, or at least still in college because that was a collection of years that will not count when we reach the pearly whites. But let’s face it, we have to adult, even when it feels like it just too much. Here’s a little guide to help you through the hard parts or the times that you just can’t… Breathe Breathe in. Breathe out. Take in this moment for what it is and
Read More6 months ago I walked across the stage at Madison Square Garden, accepted my college diploma, and took a selfie. 6 months ago I said farewell to a place I had called home for the past four years. 6 months gone, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss the long nights turned into mornings spent with people I’ll never forget. Post-grads of the present warned us how much we’d miss college, how the real world was terrifying, boring, and all you would want to do was go back.
Read MoreOnce school is all done with, most young adults believe that being a professional is all about nailing the job and title. The thing you come to realize is there’s more to it than just getting the job. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that your dream job doesn’t equal your dream workplace. Learning to deal with people, deal with situations, and how to correctly do your job all come with experience, but there are a few things that automatically are engrained in us when entering the work field. Communication
Read MoreI used to think of most entry-level type jobs to be a gigantic waste of time. Other than making money, the work was so mundane and dreadful that I thought it was taking years away from my life. I’ve come to realize that maybe I was being hasty. Work is always of the utmost importance. It doesn’t necessarily matter what kind, as long as it pays (and is somewhat legal, but who am I to judge?). You need to be working. Not working is bad. Not working exudes stagnancy, much
Read MoreMy early twenties, the years of my mindless actions, died as the third decade of my life became closer than the beginning of my 20th year of my existence. The first half of my twenties took their final breath surrounded by the experiences and knowledge I gained through the journey called life. Those years are survived by my friends that stood by me when I wanted to run from myself, my family that loved me for better or for worse, and my new view on the latter half of my
Read MoreI started working in my first real world job three months ago, and quickly became friends with the only other 20-something in our side of the office, Ceara, who is one of the coolest girls I’ve ever met. She recently got offered a job teaching theater at a school just down the street from her, and I honestly couldn’t be more excited for her – it’s a great opportunity. However, I did go through a couple stages of being less than thrilled. After all, the person I was closest to at
Read MoreSummer is here! For the college crew, that means a three month vacation at your parents’ house. For the post-college crew, that means a few visits to your hometown. For both groups, that means bumping into old classmates. And no matter how well you once knew your high school peers, that can be awkward. Let’s face it, small talk is inherently uncomfortable, but if you’re trying to avoid a little bit of pain, steer clear of these questions: What are you doing after graduation? Talk about a conversation buzzkill.
Read MoreI’m getting to the point of my life where I slowly think I have everything figured out. Every day I learn something new about my past or my present and I create mental lists of what to keep note of, what to never do again, or what to make sure I do next time. Since I am a hopeless romantic and a deep-thinker when it comes to life, here are 50 things I have learned: 1. Everybody turns out to be who they said they wouldn’t be 2. High
Read MoreThree hundred and sixty-five days ago, I walked across the stage at Radio City, diploma in hand, gauze on my post-Senior Formal feet and mom in the audience. I said goodbye to sharing secrets, stories, and clothes with my closest girlfriends, Tuesday night drink specials, and the corner-deli guy. I said goodbye to all-nighters, gin buckets, and afternoon ragers. I said goodbye to friends, to family, to professors-turned mentors. I said goodbye to one home, and said hello again to another. I said goodbye to college and hello to home.
Read MoreAll your friends are getting married Bills Committed relationship (with your student loans) Debt Exploring and traveling Fading out of old friendships Grocery shopping for one Hangovers Interviews Juggling multiple part-time jobs with your fancy college degree Keeping in touch with friends that are worth it Learning how to pretend Morning-after pills New cities, new people One-night stands Pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Quitting jobs that don’t deserve you Realizing how cool your family is Scheduling your own appointments Taxes Unemployment Villainous bosses Whiskey is the new vodka cranberry
Read MoreWe’ve all heard of the work-life balance, a.k.a. “don’t sit in front of a computer for 50 years and not see all the cool shit outside of the office too.” You go to work, and then you hang out with friends who know nothing about your office other than your complaints about the heavy breather and obsession with the new cute coworker (and prayers that you don’t get reported to HR). Every once in a while, you find yourself in the twilight zone known as a work happy hour, where
Read MoreIs your productivity at an all-time low? Have trouble getting up on time? Prefer to play video games or watch trashy TV shows than getting your work or studying done? CARROT produces a few apps that will help you break those shitty habits and send you on the road to being the productive adult you’ve always wanted to be. Meet CARROT Are you the type of person who doesn’t get stuff done unless someone is constantly badgering you to do it? Meet CARROT, your new best friend…if your best
Read More-1- How to Sharpen a Knife with a whetstone First off, you need a whetstone and some form of lubricant. Spit will work but you can use the special sharpening oil if no one ever taught you how to spit. You can also you use sex lube. I’m sure it will work. Some stones will have more than one surface and which one you use will be determined by how jacked up your blade is. If your blade looks like it was confused with a hammer at one point, then you
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