I’m getting to the point of my life where I slowly think I have everything figured out. Every day I learn something new about my past or my present and I create mental lists of what to keep note of, what to never do again, or what to make sure I do next time. Since I am a hopeless romantic and a deep-thinker when it comes to life, here are 50 things I have learned:
1. Everybody turns out to be who they said they wouldn’t be
2. High School boyfriends/girlfriends/flings/FWBs don’t matter
3. What happened a year ago doesn’t matter
4. Second chances usually call for third chances as well
5. Cheaters never prosper
6. Patience is a virtue when it comes to occupations and relations
7. Mommy and Daddy won’t always hold your hand
8. Having 20 best friends isn’t realistic
9. Hard work only pays off when it’s constant
10. Money is the motive
11. Money doesn’t grow on trees
12. Your own happiness should be more important than anything else
13. Having dreams are a necessity to leading your life in a good direction
14. It’s impossible to lead a life vicariously through Pinterest and Tumblr
15. Guys/girls you meet at the bar could actually be worth the night…and nights afterwards
16. Giving yourself away to someone at the bar usually ends bad
17.You need to get your priorities straight before you have fun
18. Weekdays aren’t always meant for play
19. Happiness is a journey
20. Bad times don’t last
21. You need to fall in love with being alone before you can fall in love with someone else
22. Rules are made to be broken
23. Risks always need to be taken to get the reward
24. Looks aren’t everything when it comes to finding a partner
25. Most people are shallow when it comes to finding a partner
26. People will f*ck you over…a billion and one times
27. Many times, you will find that you’re your own best friend
28. Forgiving is essential, forgetting isn’t
29. Politics are going to be talked about more the older you get, and if you don’t understand them it sucks
30. Gas is extremely expensive, ride a bike instead
31. You will be looked down upon if you ride a bike
32. Half of your old friends are into drugs and half aren’t
33. It is not acceptable to wear sweatpants every day of your life
34. The “party” life isn’t necessarily the best life
35. “Beer before liquor makes you sicker” is false
36. Treasure your family…every. day.
37. Always think and plan ahead
38. Alcohol and late-night eating does add up
39. Your parents or your guardians are the people you should be thanking the most
40. Creeping on social media is not OK but is totally necessary
41. Job interviews, resumes and such should always be taken seriously and truthfully
42. You should always live the life you’ve imagined
43. Be the real you, or forever be bound to some sort of chains
44. You’ll never look like a Victoria’s Secret model
45. Be mature, but never let go of your silliness.
46. Always do what’s best for you and don’t worry about the rest
47. History repeats itself
48. Age is just a number after you turn 18
49. Dating websites are common and should be utilized
50. Life goes by- extremely fast
Tags : Adulting, advice, Advice for Women, Girlzone, Growing Up, Issues, Lessons, life, Miscellaneous
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