Making resolutions for the new year is easy: lose weight, read more, eat healthy, blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, these life changing commitments are typically abandoned well before the second month of the year. Instead of setting yourself up for failure with vague resolutions and no plan of action, this can be the year that you actually follow through. Instead of “lose weight” 1. Don’t drink during the week. Alcohol isn’t doing us any favors when it comes to our health. For most people, it’s pretty unrealistic to cut out alcohol
Read MoreI first met my former roommate’s pet parakeet when I came home late from work one night. I entered my apartment sometime around midnight to the sound of birds chirping like I was in a goddamn rain forest, a fully-lit kitchen/living room area, and a tiny blue and yellow avian fella perched in a cage placed atop a table. He was chirping and staring at me, blinking expectantly. My roommate had already gone to bed, so I was unsure of how to proceed re: introducing myself to the newest addition
Read MoreThey say your college years are the time of your life. The years when you go wild, experiment with boys, girls, grandmas, brothers of your best friend, and wake up in bed in Manhattan. You do it all now because after college it’s frowned upon to. This month I celebrated my one-year anniversary of the last time I had sex; my last year as a college student and a full year of no one night stands, quickies in the library parking lot, or in the middle of the soccer field.
Read More1. You can’t go out just the two of you Not because you don’t have fun together, you do. That’s why you’re friends, duh. But if just the two of you go out, you know she will get scooped up by some model/personal trainer within 10 minutes of you arriving to the bar, and then you’re all alone, which is the prime place for you to get a very special rape/homicide combo. Either that, or you’ll have to cab home alone, which sucks too. 2. They probably have awesome clothes,
Read MorePosted On July 8, 2014By Sarah BarnittIn Television
This year, I’ve dedicated my time to a lot of worthy, intellectual causes. Most important? Slowly working my way through Gossip Girl on Netflix. As someone who considers a 40% off sale at Loft to be a dose of excitement into daily life, I have become absolutely addicted to the scandal, drama, and debauchery that the show is famous for. Other than entertainment purposes it serves, the characters on Gossip Girl have, in their own hyperbolic way, served as a wonderful barometer for flawed human relationships that we constantly encounter
Read MoreWe spend most of our young adult life in search of our soulmates; that one person who will complete you like no one else will. Disney movies, Nicholas Sparks and the rest of the pop culture that surrounds us have made us believe that one fine day we will find them and our life will finally be whole. But, have you ever stopped to think that your soulmate might already be in your life? What if our soulmates are not that person who we have been forever dreaming about and
Read MoreWe start off throwing sand at them in the playground, calling them over in Red Rover, and aiming for their faces in dodgeball. Boys… no matter what age we are as ladies, we can’t live with them, and we can’t live without them. Most of the time, ladies (obviously including myself) are complaining about the dude who didn’t call us back. As we bitch to our girlfriends about some guy that should be chasing us, if we’re fortunate enough, we have platonic friendships with the male species that can give
Read More1. A Friendchip Party Celebrate the power of friendship with a chip potluck! Potato chips could stand alone as my lifelong romantic interest, I love them so deeply. I beg you to supply me with a human who doesn’t crave her crunch so that I can fix her. Just imagine the rich diversity of a chip potluck. The assortment of dips. Chips of different color, categories, and socioeconomic backgrounds, all gathered together in harmony. Doritos next to sweet potato chips, kale chips next to sour cream and onion Lays. The
Read MoreYou know what ultra-sucks? Not being a kid anymore. When you’re small, school is literally a bunch of games. Everything is interesting. You can get away with murder. I remember when I was at the zenith of my bucktoothed adorableness I broke into my neighbor’s house in order steal their kid’s kickball and got away with it (I also ate most of their peanut butter straight out of the jar. With my fingers. And I regret NOTHING). Yep, being a kid pretty much rules, and even angsty adolescents generally don’t
Read MoreThe question on everyone’s lips this time of year has changed from “Are you going to the local bar to see everyone we didn’t talk to in high school?” to “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?” You’ve been through a few decades of this. Let’s make this the year that sticks. Be realistic. First things first. The chances of you being successful in becoming an Olympic athlete, movie star, president, and Britney Spears in a year are slim. Choose a resolution that fits who and where you are right now.
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