I come across more and more articles everyday about Generation Y as if we’re some kind of plague suffocating innocent civilians with our overinflated egos – thanks a lot mom and dad. The nerve of those parents for giving us encouragement, praise, and positive reinforcement! Shout out to all the haters behind the countless articles berating Gen Y (someone’s parents didn’t love them enough). But hey, much like us Gen Y-ers, you’re entitled to your own opinion. And while I can’t say I totally disagree with many of
Read MoreIt’s easy to lament the trends and fads of today’s teenagers. Hell, even as a 23 year-old, I find myself starting many complaints with, “Back when I was your age…” Every generation loves to think that they are God’s gift to mankind, but they come with their own set of what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you-type problems. Let’s take a look at how Generation Y, as they call it, stacks up. The Good: Ingenuity and Determination Teens today are doing some remarkable things at unprecedented rates. Just look at Malala Yousafzai’s crusade for women’s
Read MoreMy chest feels tight, breathing has become a struggle, and my vision gets a little blurry; this is not regarding the latest episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County, but my future. My attention span has noticeably shrunk and anxiety-provoking thoughts race through my mind. “What the hell is going on?” I ask myself. Then I realize, I’m 25 years old, and while I thought I was ready to put my early-twenties to rest, I’m still horrified of the uncertain. This must be what a Quarter-Life crisis feels like.
Read MoreThe internet is a wondrous place. You can literally find anything. Life as a young person is different from the life of any one else and I think these gifs establish that pretty clearly. 1. When you have to wake up before 10 am. 2. When you go to Starbucks at 10pm and it’s closed. 3. When you buy a new outfit from H&M and wear it out for the first time. 4. Pretty much. 5. After a long and tiring of day of doing nothing…but
Read MorePlease note: It is highly recommended that you step off your Pussy Riot pedestal prior to reading this article. Now, ladies: We do not shed all responsibility for our actions the moment we start drinking. Responsible adults are able to make responsible decisions. “I was SO drunk” is not an excuse. You do not become a victim the moment you suck down your first vodka tonic. Women love to blame men for just about everything that happens during a night out, but let’s be honest—you know your limit and if
Read MoreBarbecue sauce, weekend benders, porn, television, movies, Hulu. What do these all have in common? In reasonable doses they can add new dimensions of fun and texture to your life, but too much and the law of diminishing returns kicks in. What’s delicious? Hot wings and barbecue. What’s disgusting? One wing in a tub of Stubb’s. This is what personal media has become to me: a constant binge of distraction. Let me clarify something. I’m 28. I’m in the doldrums of the twenty-something. I’m now filling the void which was
Read MoreOccasionally, while scanning my Facebook timeline, I stumble upon an article that leaves me swearing at my computer screen, scratching my head, and questioning my online friendships. Elite Daily’s “Could It Be? Millennials Are The New Hippies But With Better Weed” is one of those articles. The article appeared on the website this week and quickly gained popularity for all the wrong reasons. I say that because, although author Lauren “LMoney” Martin (ugh) bills herself as a “comedy writer,” and the piece appears satirical, it seems that just about every
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