If you’re the type of person who is always damaging your carpet, electronics, and furniture with spills, the Mighty Mug just might be the most important invention since the light bulb. I recently had the chance to test out some of Mighty Mug’s long line of products, and I must say, I was pretty impressed. While at first glance, Mighty Mug might appear to be an infomercial-ready gimmick that isn’t quite as cool once you get it out of the box and into your home, I can attest to the fact
Read MoreI used to think that the term “young adult” referred to Twilight novels only, but I am tired of repeatedly crediting my generation as “twenty-somethings,” so here we are. New Year’s resolutions are either a popular or vexatious topic, depending on the seriousness of the declarations and the audience’s own commitment to growth and change, but there is hardly a young adult who doesn’t use social media in some form or another. In this Near Year if you make any resolutions, I hope you dance, yes, but also that your resolutions
Read MoreWhen Tinder surfaced in my first year of university and quickly became the thing to be on, I was in a relationship. A serious, committed relationship, which I had no interest in endangering by downloading what I thought was the most ridiculous app to ever exist. Perhaps the reason I hated Tinder so was because my perfect, wonderfully committed boyfriend had Tinder. Or perhaps it was because I caught him, not once but twice using the app actively, texting other girls and agreeing to meet up with them without any
Read MoreOnline shopping to women is like Christmas to a little kid, like bacon and beer to the male sex, like vodka to an alcoholic. It gets us giddy with excitement, and free shipping just puts us over the edge. You don’t need to buy it, you don’t want to do it, but you just have to hit check out. And it feels oh so good. The beauty of online shopping is that it has morphed and advanced over the years. You went from shopping at your desktops to laptops to
Read MoreThis past week, Uber expanded it’s taxi-like services to 22 college towns. If you’re unfamiliar with Uber, it’s a ridesharing service powered by smartphone apps: users use the app to find a driver, drivers use the app to find riders, and everything is done via card (which is great for those college students whose parents pay for everything). I was initially very surprised by the list of the 22 college’s that will now get to experience UberX. Several of them are in small towns or campuses that I don’t think of
Read MoreSometimes we get caught up worrying about the little things. We worry about the bills getting paid, our appearances, what others think of us, North Korea. I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. Here are some things that you should actually be worrying about. Aliens Odds are, they’re out there. Think about it. And if they are out there it’s only a matter of time before they come after us. I highly doubt humans are properly equipped to battle Extraterrestrials. Like, hello? Have you watched
Read MoreThe days of casual conversations have been traded in for abbreviated text conversations and Snap Chat exchanges. The “Hello, how are you?” has transitioned to “What’s up?”, and “That’s so funny” to “LOL.” Now these changes don’t just apply to everyday conversations, but rather every human interaction we have nowadays – including the sometimes uncomfortable elevator rides. Now there are probably a few things that people should consider when riding in elevators. For instance, don’t ever do anything personal in an elevator because there is always someone watching…always. Just look
Read MoreThis past weekend I did what any 22 year old should be doing on a Friday night, which is going out to bars with friends. Only this Friday I didn’t go out with the usual arrogant, ostentatious, egotistical douchebags, also known as my best friends from college. This time I met up with my best friends from high school who all went to a different college. In the midst of trying to figure out the plans, there were some people confused by this alien idea of using an app for
Read MoreI work at a job that requires some customer service, most of which is done over the phone. Being a 22-year-old, I already have a strong aversion to the phone. Why would I want to actually talk to another human when I could just go on my computer and not have to interact with anyone? #ShitIDontUnderstand So yeah I don’t love answering the phone from the get-go, mostly because it makes me extremely anxious. What can I say, my mom always told me not to talk to strangers. But some
Read Morea.k.a. “iPhone: A Love Story” Author’s Note: This is not a promotional story about an iPhone. This is the story about how my phone helped me fall in love. To start this story off, I feel the need to clarify that we did not meet on Tinder. I recently reconnected with an old friend of mine. Okay, I say friend, but what I really meant was someone that used to come into my work and I would relentlessly flirt with because she was a 10 and I
Read MoreThis morning, I left my beautiful, intelligent, Android (we’re in a committed relationship) on the counter of a public restroom. Just five minutes later, when I panicked at the emptiness of my pockets, I Usain Bolted back, only to find my phone no longer there. COMMENCE PHYSICAL SPASMS OF TERROR, PROFUSE BACK SWEAT, AND INTERNAL WATERFALL OF TEARS. For the rest of the day, I was forced to go about my daily schedule while feeling completely disconnected from the rest of the world. At one point, I probably convinced myself
Read MoreNetflix is a fickle friend. It’s difficult to resist falling victim to a Netflix addiction. It’s so easily accessible and not to sound like the stereotypical bad influence in a D.A.R.E. ad but…everyone is doing it. Phase 1: Discovery With all this talk about Netflix I might as well see what’s up. Sometimes I like to have the TV on in the background while I do other stuff like clean my apartment or check Facebook. Phase 2: Experimentation Top picks for me? Why thank you, Netflix. You’re so sweet
Read MoreI know everyone is really excited about the robot hype in Japan. Asimo is so cute and it’s super cool to watch him run and jump and do tricks! I know we humans are happy to think we’ll have extra robot hands help us around the house or at work, etc. However, did you know the UN is currently debating whether or not we should have killer robots? And by killer robot I mean a fully autonomous weapon that can select and engage targets without any human intervention. So, RED FLAG.
Read MoreIt’s hard out there for a chick. It’s never been a cakewalk for us females and despite girl power being at an all time high, the 21st century has introduced a slew of new problems. We are now faced with difficulties such as… 8 – Attempting to do some DIY seen on Pinterest and ending up with a mason jar full of glitter, a terrible burn from a hot glue gun, and the worst tangle in the history of hair. Pinterest is the birthplace of disappointment, frustration, and injury. 7
Read MoreFrom personal experience and from seeing my friends relationships crash and burn, I know the single life can sometimes suck. Being single has the benefits of talking to whoever you want whenever you want, flirting constantly, and being able to do you to the fullest. But, what being single leaves out is the semi-permanent (maybe permanent) person whom you can count on, cuddle with, and have a sexual relationship with- with strings attached. When you have a significant other, they remind you of how awesome you are even if you
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