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Posted On November 11, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Lifestyle, Manzone

Growing Up vs. Getting Older

I’m getting older. Every year. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. This much is indisputable. But I often find myself questioning whether I’m actually growing up as time endlessly marches onward. What does it mean to grow up? To have adult responsibilities? I have a few of those. To be objectively mature? I probably have a ways to go; I still think prank calls are hilarious and my friends and I still laugh at things that adults shouldn’t find funny. To wake up early, work a nine-to-five, and come backRead More

Posted On September 1, 2014By Corben BarnettIn Advice For Men, Lifestyle, Manzone

Coping With College as an Introvert

I’m going to start out by being completely honest: I really would rather spend the rest of my life in the wilderness and only see good friends and family for the rest of my life rather than having to interact with the average human being every day for the rest of my life.  That’s just how I am.  I love my alone time and I enjoy having some peace and quiet to think to myself and not have to worry about the world around me.  That may be selfish, butRead More

Posted On August 20, 2014By Caitlyn DavisIn Girlzone, Issues, Lifestyle

On Losing Yourself

I have always felt really strongly that I know who I am. I’ve never cared what people thought of me; I wore what I wanted, I did what I wanted, I wasn’t afraid of letting my opinion be known, and I have always done what I felt was best for me. I was a bright high school student who has always fostered a love of books, and I still read voraciously. I used to draw, I painted, I constantly rearranged and redecorated my college dorm rooms and apartments into whatRead More
Personally, I am a huge believer in dreaming. I think that no dream is too big; I think that every dream can be accomplished. I don’t know if I just have  far fetched mind, or just a mind for success and glory. I have friends who have no direction in life and it honestly scares me. Those without direction have a greater chance of veering off course- whether we like to think it or not. I have friends who are going to college and don’t even know what they want toRead More

Posted On July 26, 2014By Renée RapinIn Buzzworthy, The Scene

I Don’t Like Us Better When We’re Wasted

I don’t listen to the radio often, but today I felt the urge to listen to some top 40 hits. TGIF, ya know? I caught wind of the new Tiesto song, “Wasted.” Or maybe it’s not new, I don’t know what’s on the radio these days. But anyways. I started listening to this song and I mean REALLY listening and all I could think was how every statement in this song is so wrong. So let me break it down for you.   1. “I like it better when we’reRead More

Posted On July 24, 2014By Kelsey DarlingIn Miscellaneous

The Kind of Stripper I Want to Be

I don’t mind being naked.  And I’m a fairly decent dancer.  I’ve graduated from college and now I’m just waiting for the world to realize how great I am!  In the meantime, it seems I am pretty well-equipped for a certain career. The first thing I’ll need to do is expand my stripper heel collection.  Like, I might actually have to buy a pair.  Only I’d like to work in the kind of place that would encourage the Spice Girls style shoe, more of a platform tennis shoe.  I’m wonderingRead More
Let me start this off by saying not all “nice guys” are the same.  (Though, it’s kind of hard to say that due to the vomit induced by this article). Some are genuinely kind people with full, rich personalities who take responsibility for where they finish in life.  Others are two-dimensional assholes who believe their niceness gives them a certain right to women. There are two major conflicts I have with the offending article.  The first is the concept that nice guys deserve anything–as if just being polite entitles youRead More
I’m currently sitting on one of America’s fabulous Amtrak trains. And no, that’s not sarcasm. I think people need to rethink their thoughts on the train. While yes, it may take me an extra hour to get to my destination than if I would have driven, but the leisure time is worth it.   Pros to riding the train: No one rides Amtrak. Therefore, I get an entire row to myself. You can change seats. Smelly person next to you? Move across the car. Screaming child? Move to an entirelyRead More

Posted On July 3, 2014By Erika SternIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

The Golden Rule: Is It Gold Forever?

In elementary school, your teachers always had a set of rules to tell you on the first day. “Don’t speak when I am speaking.” “Raise your hand.” Then, there was the “Golden Rule”- treat others how you want to be treated. We are told this throughout our lives in school, sports and even the workplace. But when does the rule stop applying? There’s different views to this “Golden Rule.” For example, should your enemies be treated how you want to be treated? We all wanted to be treated well, correct?Read More

Posted On June 27, 2014By Jason William SpencerIn Buzzworthy, The Scene


Life is full of moments.  Some stand out further than the rest.  Others stay hidden, to be discovered later on down the trail.  Today I had one of those rare special moments.  I had just got done being extra productive organizing and cleaning, which if you know me, that’s quite a triumph!  I was feeling accomplished.  I was feeling good.  Why not reward myself by watching all those movies I recorded on my DVR, but never got around to watching?  Fuck it.  Why not?  I was super productive today, IRead More
My last relationship was perfect. On paper. It was the kind of relationship that you dressed up in the clothes that you kept on the other side of the closet for. The kind that came with free coffee and the opportunity of advancement. Where you pretended to know about things you only had a vague idea about. It was the kind that made your mom happy. That made you feel like a grown-up. It was the kind of relationship that paid well, had a great healthcare plan, and you couldRead More
There’s someone you love, who doesn’t care about you nearly as much as they should.   You’re sitting here, reading this, and suddenly a face pops into your head. You know who I’m talking about, even its only something you’ll admit when no one else is around. Even if this accusation about this person is something you’ll push to the back of your mind, squishing the thought with so much fortitude that it disintegrates, for a moment at least. But you know who that person is. There’s no escaping it.Read More
Has anybody ever asked you, “what are you planning to do with that degree?” Usually this is posed with an undertone of condescension. The person expects your reply to reflect the ‘worthlessness’ of your degree. But the person asking this question usually misunderstands the value of college degrees in general. So let’s take a look at how we’ve evolved, or devolved, to this paradigm (it’s not an article about college until you’ve used the word paradigm). 30-60 years ago, people went to school to study what they loved. And thatRead More

Posted On June 2, 2014By Erika SternIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

A Letter to My Past

Lately, I’ve come in contact with people of my past, with pictures of my past, and with random Facebook pokes from people of my past. Just like any other individual, I am drawn to the magnet that my past holds and it’s hard to break away. I remind myself that the past is there for a reason. So here’s a letter to the thing that keeps tapping me on the shoulder:   Dear Past, Let’s get things straight. I have started a whole new life since you and I haveRead More

Posted On June 1, 2014By Ashley MaderrIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Why The Beginning of Summer Break Sucks

The last day of school is the day when social media explodes with pictures and articles about graduation. And don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy for those grads and totally not upset over the fact that I changed my concentration middle of my school year and delayed my own graduation. Not. Bitter. At. All. But in all seriousness, while the graduates are now stepping up to bigger and better things, those of us still in school are in a new realm of reality: summer break. Summer break is, overall,Read More