First, step back and realize how totally insane the events in Paris have become. Take a deep breath and exit Tweetdeck. Close your Facebook tab on Chrome. Now wander over to the window and look outside. Notice how unless you’re in Paris, nothing has changed. Anything still sitting with you? The frustration and anger you feel toward someone thousands of miles away murdering a couple of satirical cartoonists is justified. Don’t feel anything? No worries, I’m not going to hound you about it. The reactions to the Charlie Hebdo shooting,
Read MoreYou’ve seen it everywhere lately. Unless you’ve been hiding under an incredibly immense boulder, you’re aware what’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri. You’re aware what’s going on in New York City. You’re aware that widespread protests, riots, and general civil unrest are permeating the streets of American cities and towns from coast to coast. You know the material facts – that two unarmed black men are dead, killed by police officers. You know that there are two sides to the issue – one side defending the police officers’ actions as
Read MoreSo yesterday we came across this on the Internet: A Dutch, all-female band named ADAM recorded themselves trying to sing a song…while pleasuring themselves with vibrators and having orgasms. Interesting idea? Yes. Shock value? Yes. Good publicity stunt? DEFINITELY. See what happened below. No word on if the group is going to try this tactic while singing Usher’s “Climax” next…we think they’d be more successful.
Read MoreIn a recent article by The Huffington Post, I came across Victoria Siemer‘s “Human Error” series. The artist’s polaroids perfectly capture love and life in the digital era in which we live. I don’t know about you, but the emotional struggles us Millennials go through each day continue to increase in shades of grey and I don’t see any black and whites in our horizon. Not only do we deal with uncertainty, the hook-up culture, feelings, and heartbreak, but when things go bad we can’t simply take that person out of our lives.
Read MoreThis video of Amy Poehler wearing a Pitbull mask and then shortly after revealing that it’s actually not Pitbull, but everyone’s favorite awkward blonde comedian and actress, is going viral. Yes Amy, you’re better than Pitbull. Watch below and enjoy!
Read MoreIn case you missed it: On Thursday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, we were given something extra special. Kimmel said that 27-year-old child-star-turned-rapper Drake was ready to know what people really thought about him, so they slapped a beard on him for an epic segment of Lie Witness News. And it’s awesome. In case you celebrated Thirsty Thursday, tucked in early or just want to watch it over and over (and over) again, this one’s for you.
Read MorePosted On April 4, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Television
I love Impractical Jokers. That hilarious show is pretty much the reason I watch Tru TV…well, other than the first rounds of March Madness, of course. So while viewing Impractical Jokers the last few weeks, I’d been noticing a few previews for a show that looked kindasorta intriguing: The Carbonaro Effect. After seeing these brief trailers for the show, I was interested enough that I decided to watch the full 20-minute pilot that Tru TV broadcast on April Fools Day. But make no mistake – Michael Carbonaro and his upcoming show are no
Read MoreI thought I’d briefly inform you of a show coming soon. You’ll be remiss if you miss it. Called I Wanna Marry Harry, it’s a show that brings 12 man-thirsty young women to a house in Berkshire, England. Of course, they are under the assumption that they are there to meet Prince Harry. The twist? Harry is not actually on the program. Instead, the manly man protagonist is a Prince Harry look-a-like named Matthew Hicks. Well done, Seacrest, well done. We all remember Joe Millionaire (also a Fox show), where
Read MoreAlter egos: A lot of stars have them. Beyonce has Sasha Fierce, David Bowie had Ziggy Stardust and now, apparently, Nick Cannon has Conner Smallnut. And people aren’t impressed. Cannon, who is set to release a new album titled, “White People Party Music” on April Fools’ Day, has caused a bit of a stir over the past few days, posting photos and videos of himself in whiteface and skater attire on Twitter and Instagram. Captions underneath the posts include hashtags like “FarmersMarket,” “GoodCredit,” “BeerPong,” and “CreamCheeseEating,” and introduce the pasty
Read MoreThink something you filmed on your GoPro while snowboarding is hardcore? Think again. In the video below, a GoPro records while some lunatics jump from the top of One World Trade Center – you know, the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. Badass? Probably. Stupid? Definitely. The jumpers are looking at jail time, or at the very least, some hefty fines for their stunt. Obvious risk of bodily harm aside, it seems that we can easily conclude jumping from the World Trade Center is not a good idea. But whether
Read MoreHosting the Olympics is like the real world equivalent of running for Senior Class President in high school. You’re put under the magnifying glass and just asking to be critiqued and ridiculed. Everything you do is being translated to people of very different backgrounds. And every once in a while, there’s a slim chance that you might just be epically successful. Key words: slim chance. The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi are not off to a great start in their bid for epic success. Even before the games began this
Read MoreAfter the news broke that the always-polarizing Justin Bieber got arrested today on charges of driving under the influence and resisting arrest, the internet, and especially Twitter, became inundated with various reactions to the singer’s arrest. Not surprising, seeing that ‘Da Biebs has BY FAR the most Twitter followers any human has ever had. Soon, the trends #FreeBieber and #DeportBieber were going HAM on the Twitterverse. No matter whether you love Bieber, or love to hate him, here are the five images Twitter produced that HAVE to make you laugh…or
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