One year ago today, we launched this site with 10 people and a dream. Now, with well over 1,100 articles produced, 85 writers and counting, and over ONE MILLION page views in our first year, I could not be any happier with the direction of Writtalin. Happy New Year to all of you reading. Thank you to everyone who has made any of this possible, whether you’ve written twenty articles or just read one. Here’s to an even better 2015! -Ascher Robbins Editor-in-Chief
Read MoreThis article, this very article you’re currently reading, is the 1,000th post on Writtalin. We’ve made it this far, and we’re only getting started. When I started this site ten months ago, with about 10 writers and a vision, I couldn’t have imagined how quickly we’d grow. I couldn’t have imagined how many amazing people I’d meet. I couldn’t imagine how many talented writers would want to be part of this project. I couldn’t have imagined how many readers would keep coming back to the site and helping us grow.
Read MoreFor all of those either currently in, or recently graduated from all that is Greek, you might relate to a few of these. Also feel free to hate mail me if you disagree. 1. You immediately get defensive when you hear the question, “So you pay for your friends?” And you probably respond with something like, “So you pay for cover?” 2. You have at least three iTunes playlists with titles like, “Pregame,” “Rager,” “Darty-ing,” and “Amurrica.” 3. You’re comfortable with putting things in Greek alphabetical
Read MoreBorough to borough, couch to couch, this story is almost a rite of passage for any and all making the transition from small town to big city. I know, I know, it’s nothing new and you’ve heard it before. Upon my telling of the plans I had to become a sort of nomad to friends and family, I received a lot of concerned, confused, and utterly annoyed looks. “You’re not going to survive, you know that.” Here’s the deal: you can survive, 100% cardboard-box-house prototype-free with a little bit of
Read MoreAhhh summer, the time of year when new music blossoms just as the flowers do. Here are my Top 5 Artists to look out for this summer: Sia Sia isn’t exactly an unknown artist. She has written hit songs for artists such as Katy Perry, Rihanna and Beyonce. However, after the success of her featured vocals on hits such as Titanium and Wild Ones it is no surprise that she would attempt mainstream success herself. Recently, Sia released the lead single off her new album “Chandelier” which has already
Read MoreEveryone’s goal in life is to reach a point in which you know, for a fact, that you have fulfilled complete happiness. However, for many people, the road to happiness is not as easy as it simply sounds. We all go through rough patches. Some of us experience heart break, some of us experience the death of someone important to us, and some of us are insecure about who we are as people. The truth is, there are signs that signify you are on the road to happiness and if any
Read MoreI start to panic when my friend and I walk up to Beta Nightclub in Denver. My interview with EDM veteran Fedde Le Grand is supposed to start in seven minutes and I still have to get through a long line of eager ravers. It takes some time and I get some questioning looks when I tell door people and bouncers that I’m here to do an interview with the headlining DJ, but we finally get inside and get let into the Green Room. It’s empty. So here we are, sitting,
Read MoreInspirational quotes and motivational posters can be good things. Sometimes they can be just the thing you need to give you an idea or create a spark that can change your life. However, in reference to the droves of Pinterest circle jerks and Facebook reposts, I think it’s important to realize that there’s a lot that goes beyond a simple sentence on a physical or virtual wall. It’s often referred to as life – and sometimes it sucks and is unfair, sometimes things won’t make you stronger, and sometimes you
Read MoreThis year, my New Year’s Resolution was to try to be more patient with people and more understanding of little things that shouldn’t frustrate me. Friends and family are always telling me to slow down and take a breath. Truth is, I tried and continue to try. But sometimes it’s completely alright to just lose it, throw the bird, pass on a double yellow, or skip your iPhone across a lake. For instance… 8. Drivers going well under the speed limit on a single lane road When you are in
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