My name is Awesome.
Oh sorry I meant “Earl.” My Name is Earl.
The hilarious show is absolutely amazing and deserves nothing but a 5 star rating, even if the option existed to only give 4 stars. I was blessed to be given the opportunity to watch it on a hard drive. Because of this, I was able to see all 4 seasons continuously. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes.
This genius show is based around the character, Earl, a low-life that buys a lottery ticket, only to get hit by a car. While in the hospital he learns about karma – from Carson Daly. He then realizes that he needs to make up for all the wrong doing he has perpetrated in his life. So, he decides to make a list of all the bad things he did in his life. He realizes that he needs to make it up to every single person, and that is where the show takes off. It spends every single episode making sure he can cross something off of his list.
Earl Hickey is not what you would describe as an upstanding gentleman. In fact, he spends his days drinking beer with his brother Randy, stealing whatever isn’t bolted down to provide for himself, and being a leech of a human being on society. His ex-wife Joy, played by Jaime Pressley, is probably the high-light of watching the show. She is brash and classless, but she tells it like it is. They have 2 kids together, both of which aren’t Earl’s. That itself is a story in it’s own… but you should watch in order to learn why.
The show is absolutely genius in the way it’s written and thought out by the creator Gregory Thomas Garcia. There are side-stories to every episode, which make the story of the list that much better. It’s amazing to see the acting abilities as well as the ability to make me laugh harder than I have in a while. Yes there is message in every episode to help you find the humor in the little things, but really it’s amazing to see the acting talents of such well-known celebrities. Maybe that’s the reason it won 12 awards, was nominated for 4 Golden Globes, and was nominated 53 other times for various award shows.
Tags : acting, comedy, Humor, Movies & Television, my name is earl, shows, Television, tv, watch
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