-Kristen Renton- Twitter: @KristenRenton Instagram: kristenrenton Known for: Playing porn star Ima on FX’s Sons of Anarchy, having a recurring role on Days of Our Lives. -I’m obsessed with Sons of Anarchy, and as the series comes to a close this year with the (incredible) Season 7, I thought it was high time I give the spotlight to the most beautiful girl on the show – even if she does play a psychotic porn star. Kristen Renton is the lovely lady who portrays Ima on the brutal FX series, and while she’s had
Read MoreMore than just YOLO, or fuck bitches, get money, here are some rap lines that I’m currently using as my personal mantras, and why you should too. 1. These hoes ain’t loyal (Chris Brown & Lil Wayne, “These Hoes Ain’t Loyal”)– Life isn’t fair, and a lot of the time people won’t treat you the way you treat them. That’s cause these hoes ain’t loyal. Please note, the term ho is not gender specific and both men and women (and non-binary people) can all have ho-ish tendencies. That’s why the sooner you
Read More-Olivia Brower- Instagram: oliviabrower_ Known for: Being a gorgeous fashion model with No Ties Management, and appearing in advertisements for Urban Outfitters, Brandy Melville, and Nordstrom, amongst others. -I first stumbled across Olivia Brower through the Instagram of model Alexis Ren, who previously appeared as a WCW here at Writtalin. And you know what? I think Olivia might be the more gorgeous of the two ladies. Check out some gems from her Instagram below, and enjoy. Happy Wednesday!
Read MoreStarting the “I Hate Sara Club” because he clearly hates me. I don’t exactly know what I did, but he totally hates me now. There’s no other explanation. Showing all his friends my text and laughing at it. “Bro, look at this. This bitch just asked me ‘what’s up.’” “Smfh, these girls are so thirsty, man.” At the Verizon store trying to fix his phone because he totally wanted to text me back—he really did—but his phone blew up, like literally, not just from my texts. At the bottom of
Read MoreI’ll say it: if there’s one thing I’m great at, it’s making colossal, oh-god-I-just-fucked-my-whole-life-up mistakes. If I were to trace the origins of this unfortunate trait, I’d say it stems from a combination of me being inherently spacey and not always thinking things all the way through. This will become more evident as the list goes on. Now, I’m by no means perfect, nor do I even completely have my shit together, so take this as a “don’t be like me” cautionary tale. DON’T DO THIS SHIT: 1. Living
Read MoreDanielle Lo is our CoverGirl for September 2014. As Summer starts to wind down, we wanted to keep things hot with this Californian babe. Learn a little more about Danielle below and then check out a few sizzlin’ photos she took for us. And of course, make sure to see much more of Danielle on her incredibly popular Instagram and Twitter pages! -Danielle Lo- Height? 5’5″ although I’m told I could pass for 5’7″ 🙂 Weight? 100 lbs Natural Hair Color? Brown Single or Taken? Off the market! How would you pick yourself up at a bar? Definitely don’t use a cheesy pick up line. Maybe introduce yourself and see
Read More1. A$AP Ferg, Lac Lac: “A$AP, the vision’s so clear / I can see you haters from here / Can’t knock me outta my chair / My flow you won’t come near” Really I could have stopped at A$AP the vision’s so clear, because like wtf that sounds like a bad line from a fight song. “Harris Hall, the vision’s so clear.” And the rest doesn’t really warrant an analysis because it’s just lame. Straight-up lame. 2. Big K.R.I.T., “What You Know About It”: Suicide doors, Cobaine on ’em.
Read MoreThe stories you are about to read are all 100% true. Names, locations, and other identifying characteristics have not been changed to protect the innocent. Namely, because the only innocent person in these scenarios is me. 10. Guy: “I’m not gonna bust inside you, I’m a nice Jewish boy.” Me: *Nopes the fuck out* 9. Guy mumbles something. Me: “What?” Guy: “I’m tired.” Then proceeds to roll over and pass tf out on top of me. In a twin bed. While I am struck with the undeniable and
Read MoreNational Rum day is coming up on Saturday, August 16th (that’s this Saturday!), and I for one could not be more grateful. I mean, what better way to stew in denial that the summer’s almost over, than by day-drinking my go-to summertime liquor, amirite? Thankfully Captain Morgan has come through in the clutch with their new White Rum. It’s slightly sweet with a hint of fruit, and its light and crisp flavor is perfect for your National Rum Day celebration, whether it be poolside, lakeside, or backyard-side. Okay, so now that
Read More…If you’re a girl. 1. Provided your roommates are home, you no longer have to kill your own cockroaches. And by “kill,” I mean “trap under a cup that you weigh down with a book and wait until the roach eventually dies.” Now you get instant bug murder, and who doesn’t love that? 2. Cooking utensils of all shapes, sizes, and–more importantly–materials, go in the dishwasher willy-nilly. Am I the only person whose mom told them a million times, you can’t put Teflon in the dishwasher or else it strips
Read MoreI’ve always found the concept of breaking up with someone both unsettling and sad. Whenever I hear of a friend or family member’s relationship coming to an end, I feel somewhat disappointed that another love has failed yet again. Coming from a family where my parents met and fell in love at 15, I grew up believing in the whole “fairy-tale” ending phenomenon. I just didn’t understand how if two people loved each other so much they could even fathom ending things. I think this is part of the reason
Read More-McKayla Maroney- Twitter: @McKaylaMaroney Instagram: mckaylamaroney Known for: Starring for the USA Women’s Gymnastics Team, notably winning one gold and one silver medal at the 2012 Summer Games. -In the Summer Olympics of 2012, McKayla Maroney captured America’s hearts by winning one gold medal, and perhaps just as memorably, providing a facial expression that generated a thousand memes when she showed her displeasure at finishing second in a different event. But since the 2012 games, the then-16 year-old has grown up a bit, and turned from a precocious young gymnast
Read More1. White males are statistically wayyyyy more likely to be serial killers. Source. 2. If I go on a beach date with a white guy, I’ll have to stop my sea-frolicking every 30 minutes so he can put on sunscreen. Or worse, I’ll have to help him apply it on his back in those hard-to-reach places. I hate touching people’s backs. 3. My dad is white. I do not have daddy issues. 4. White guys listen to bands like Death Cab for Cutie and Panic! At the
Read More -Skylar Diggins- Twitter: @SkyDigg4 Instagram: skydigg4 Known for: Ballin’ out for the WNBA’s Tulsa Shock, and previously for the Notre Dame ladies’ team. -When I think of WNBA players, the word “sexy” isn’t one that usually comes to mind. Most WNBA players aren’t exactly the type of women that get heterosexual males like myself excited. Skylar Diggins is the exception – a gorgeous guard for the Tulsa Shock, Diggins is a hell of an athlete, and a pretty beautiful lady. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter for sure, but
Read MoreSo I live with two random dudes. I don’t know them (it’s a long story) and before you ask, no I’m not sleeping with either of them. Usually it’s totally cool and living with guys is better in some ways than living with girls (a topic I will cover soon, coming to an article near you). Except. Except this morning when one of my roommates (I don’t know which one) took a full 40 minutes in the bathroom. 40! It made me a half hour late to work all because
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