As the economy teeters back from it’s near seven-year dance of riding on a single rail companies are once again starting to hire. And with so many eager participants to no longer be underemployed, HR departments are barely treading water above a deluge of applications. This perfect storm has given birth to the unhallowed beastie of employment-seeking, the kraken of job-getting: the group interview. In the wide and awkward world of acutely uncomfortable moments that is attaining employment, there is almost no greater circus of discomfort than the group interview. A
Read MoreAnother year, another beer. That’s what I always say, every day in fact. Don’t look at 2015 as just another year. Keep your eyes open and you may discover new riches that you never thought possible. Lucky for me, I found mine in November. Joining A Church Band Growing up, I was never an Atheist but I was hardly a religious boy. My parents never went to church and they never forced me to go, so I usually didn’t. In high school I began going and volunteering but
Read More“Long distance is hard.” -Everyone It was years ago the first time it happened. He lived in New York. Brooklyn, to be exact. I was living in San Francisco. Where we met: the Caesars Palace pool. He was tall, (deviously) charming, and had just gotten his Masters at Stanford. I was impressed but so what? Why would anyone get involved with someone who lived in a different city, especially one on the other side of the country? I mean, seriously. Maybe it was the dizzying Vegas sun or the
Read MoreI never did grasp the entire concept of letting go. Timing the release of a perfect hug is difficult for me at times. Relinquishing control isn’t my problem, it’s the fear of not knowing that gets to me. According to the multiple self-help books and articles I’ve read, the minute we let go of the attachment to what we really want, it appears in our life. In order to better myself, I need to let go instead of searching to add something. At the last wedding I attended, I
Read MoreTimes are tough, man. I get it. Jobs are few and far between, and what little money you have seems to buy less and less as the days progress. It’s not out of the question that you would look to the adult film industry to help supplement your fledgling or altogether nonexistent income. There is nothing wrong with that. You have to do what you have to do. And if sex is involved, you’re probably not going to get a lot of sympathy from me. But you also don’t really
Read MoreWhether you’ve dated for two years or two months, there is always a need to reestablish the bond with your girlfriend. So here are 5 things you can do to entice her at any moment… 5. Call Her Unexpectedly Yes, I’m saying CALL her. Not text. Reason? A phone call is so much more personal. It shows her that you want to hear her voice. Trust me, she will really appreciate that. She may be having a bad day and want to hear your voice anyway, so let her.
Read MoreI’m the type of person that will avoid conflict, confrontation, and basically, any form of criticism at all costs. As a kid, I would write notes to my parents whenever I was asking for something. Not because they were mean people, but because they might say no and I would rather receive that information from a checked box than a verbal, “Not this time, sweetheart.” I quit a job via letter once. After my boss received it, she called me and left a voicemail. I was too nervous to listen
Read MoreHere is a short list of valuable things people do to become losers. Listen and learn… 5. Lack Any Curiosity – People who lack curiosity don’t want to explore new avenues. If you elect to sit at home and watch The CW all day, then your life is destined to stay that way. 4. Have an Inability to Comprehend Success – My mother always said, “if you can envision something, you can make it a reality.” But losers do not even know, or care, about success.
Read More6 months ago I walked across the stage at Madison Square Garden, accepted my college diploma, and took a selfie. 6 months ago I said farewell to a place I had called home for the past four years. 6 months gone, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss the long nights turned into mornings spent with people I’ll never forget. Post-grads of the present warned us how much we’d miss college, how the real world was terrifying, boring, and all you would want to do was go back.
Read MoreI am a guy who likes to watch porn every once in a while. And my neighbor has a pretty solid wireless network, so I’m able to enjoy near-limitless streaming of all my favorite videos. Sometimes I’m so enraptured by the technology and the fact that I can watch porn until the cows come home that I end up watching vaguely shameful things until the sun rises, because I live in a city where there are no cows, and as such am unable to discern when they even start their
Read MoreIf someone asks me what my father does for a living, I tell them he makes cake. Not intending to sound like a brat, but my father really does make dough. He’s a baker. Being the daughter of a baker, you can imagine the delicacies and delicious treats that are always within my hand’s reach. But eating my fill of chocolate goodies is not the only benefit I have. Watching my father run his establishment has provided first-hand knowledge and insight into what it takes to run a small business.
Read MoreI’m getting older. Every year. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. This much is indisputable. But I often find myself questioning whether I’m actually growing up as time endlessly marches onward. What does it mean to grow up? To have adult responsibilities? I have a few of those. To be objectively mature? I probably have a ways to go; I still think prank calls are hilarious and my friends and I still laugh at things that adults shouldn’t find funny. To wake up early, work a nine-to-five, and come back
Read MoreI was four-years-old when I came to the realization that I couldn’t read. Of course, at that point, I never could read, but it was at this age that I became acutely aware that I couldn’t read and that everyone else could. My mom could. My dad could. My eleven-year-old sister could. It was basically all the guy on Reading Rainbow could talk about… Why couldn’t I? So I did what any four-year-old would do and I asked my mom, “When will I know how to read?” My mom wasn’t entirely
Read More1. Go to a random concert – Concerts are great because you’ll actually be doing something after work, other than sitting on the couch with a box of Cheez-Its. And the upside is that usually the shows will let out at a fairly reasonable hour, either because they know nobody’s trying to turn up until 2am on a Tuesday (except you, Makonnen), or because of neighborhood noise laws, IDK. Unless you plan on going to a rap concert in which case, you’re basically going to be out until you have
Read MoreBilly Joe Armstrong, the singer of Green Day, wrote the song “Waiting” and the title identifies some of the lyrics (feel free to continue singing along). As a young teenager, this song did not have much meaning other than it was a cool song written by my favorite band (at the time). However, as I have grown throughout high school and now, as a senior in college graduating in May, I definitely have a different perspective on this song. When I first entered college, I had no idea that time
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