-Trent Shelton-
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My crush for this Monday is a gentleman named Trent Shelton, and he’s a pretty fantastic human being. I came across this handsome man thanks to my best friend introducing one of his attitude changing videos, which he makes on his Facebook page. He has a project he started called “Rehab Time” which he uses to help people, whether in moving on from past relationships, or just even beginning on loving yourself.
One thing of the things he does is post memes with positives messages that say things like “if you’re afraid to be hurt again, then you’re afraid to be loved again. Don’t let hearts that didn’t love you keep you from the one that will.” I think these messages are utterly perfect in helping people who just feel lost in life. He also puts up videos to help deal with heartache, but even just to help find motivation to try to find success in life.
If you’re struggling with life, trying to find the strength to get through, or just struggling with someone gutting your heart out. Whatever it may be, the message from this handsome gentleman will help pull you out of your funk.
Tags : Girlzone, Man, Mancrush, Mancrush Monday, Men, Positivity, Uplifting, women
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