Internet Tag

Posted On July 21, 2014By Allison ShelbyIn Internet, The Scene

Why is Everyone on the Internet so Angry?

Has anyone else noticed a rise in angry, rude, and unnecessary comments online? Where there used to be likes, up votes, and encouraging comments there are now trolls and real angry words. What caused this shift, and why does it seem to be getting worse? Obviously some people’s mothers forgot to tell them that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Aside from missing life advice, there are five things that are definitely contributing to this wave, and there are surely others.  1. NewnessRead More

Posted On July 16, 2014By Anthony LuceIn Internet, The Scene

There’s An App For That

This past weekend I did what any 22 year old should be doing on a Friday night, which is going out to bars with friends. Only this Friday I didn’t go out with the usual arrogant, ostentatious, egotistical douchebags, also known as my best friends from college. This time I met up with my best friends from high school who all went to a different college. In the midst of trying to figure out the plans, there were some people confused by this alien idea of using an app forRead More
It’s tempting, the moment I see one of my articles has garnered some comments, to devour them up like a dieting white girl who’s finally made it to her cheat day. And I used to dot it, hesitantly, in the beginning. But what I quickly found (very, very quickly) was that reading comments just left me feeling a) annoyed b) defensive c) fed up with all of humanity and d) thankful for the one person, that lone hold out, who actually got it. Here’s some things I’ve noticed about the commentRead More

Posted On June 30, 2014By Anthony LuceIn Internet, The Scene

5 Snapchat Don’ts

Everyone using Snapchat has those friends who send out excessive amounts of Snapchats every day. If you are one of those annoying assholes people, you are in luck. This article will help you refrain from sending the Snapchats that make everyone watch for the first second and click to skip to the next dumb ass Snapchat story.   The “It’s only 11 a.m. and I’m drunk” Snap You’re really not that cool. We all woke up at 8 A.M a few times (most Saturdays) in college still drunk off ourRead More
On Facebook, friend is a verb. I’m friending you on Facebook, girlllll.  Friend me back. You can request a friend, ‘add’ a friend, even full-on delete a friend, without any social interaction at all.  Fan-freakin-tastic.  If you find someone’s posts mildly annoying, you can ‘hide’ him or her with the touch of a button.  Poof!  Friend-be-gone!  It’s not real life.  It’s Facebook. Let’s discuss the 8 most annoying types of Facebookers that warrant a defriending immediately. How to Lose a Facebook Friend:  The Top 8 Worst Offenders 1.  The ChronicRead More
Couples Vacation “Ruined” Over Spelling Error A couple is suing British Airways over what they say was a “ruined” vacation. They had plans to visit Granada, Spain. However, the ticket they received did not list a country, airport code, or flight duration, and they were shocked to discover the flight they were on was headed for the Caribbean island of Grenada. The couple did not realize the mistake until they were airborne. Okay. Lots of questions already here. First off, when you are waiting to get on your flight, theRead More
Duck Invasion Over 100,000 ducks caused traffic to come to a halt in Bangkok earlier this week. No news of where they came from and where they’re going. But I love that they travel in such an organized pack. I’m not sure I’d be angry if something like this happened to me. Much better than your average traffic jam. Who could be angry over a bunch of quacking ducks? Just look at them go! Or maybe they’re on strike, protesting against something. Maybe their bread supply was cut! Guess we’llRead More

Posted On June 19, 2014By Harry Edwards FloydIn Internet, The Scene

Dogecoin’s 200K Hack

An unknown Dogecoin miner has been hard at work since January. What is Dogecoin? Dogecoin is a cyrptocurrency or digital currency, like Bitcoin, that became popular through an Internet meme. What happened during the hack? SecureWorks, a Dell subsidiary, is reporting that an estimated 500 million Dogecoins were mined by an unknown hacker from January through April of 2014. The coins were mined using the power from storage servers run by Taiwan based Synology Inc. The 500 million Dogecoins equal out to roughly $200,000 US and, if the hack isRead More
Every year, Forbes magazine creates a list of the 30 most influential people under the age of 30. They include a variety of categories, from science and business, to entertainment, sports, and art. On the list are common household names such as Lena Dunham (27, ugh), David Karp (27), and Maria Sharapova (26). There are also names we may not recognise, but people who’ve created, or who control, globally influential, multi-million dollar entities we inevitably do. See the full list here. It seems as if all these people are onRead More
It’s 2014 and everyone is trying to win the Internet.  Or perhaps more accurately, the Instagram.  We all know why Beyoncé has 12 million screaming followers, but why does that 18-year-old nobody have 25k followers while your fan-base is dropping by the day?  Well, there are two reasons.  1) That 18-year-old is hot and has established a brand in the fashion industry.  2) You’re probably doing something wrong. Due to the undiagnosed depression I suffered after finding out my so-called “friend” unfollowed me (stay away from Statigram), I now take this social medium a little too seriously.Read More
If you use the internet, this should matter to you. Last Sunday, former Daily Show correspondent John Oliver leapt into a 13-minute tirade on his new HBO show Last Week Tonight, introducing millions of viewers to the very important, yet often misunderstood concept of net neutrality.  The video has since gone viral and – thanks both to Oliver’s pleas and the Reddit community – tens of thousands of internet commenters took to the FCC’s website and crashed the system with their complaints.  See the video for yourself here: It seemsRead More
Stranded Octopus Causes Traffic Jam Tuesday morning a giant polystyrene octopus was left in the streets of central London causing quite the traffic headache. Many passersby stopped to take photos and were told to approach with care. The van transporting the creature broke down in the middle of the road. There were few details given as to where the octopus was headed. The service used for transportation believed it was headed for the World Cup. However the owner of the octopus says it was being taken to a film location.Read More
As I walked into lecture today, to my surprise, I noticed that my professor, who is regarded so highly in the world of academia, decided to use Comic Sans on the lecture slides. Believe me, it took every ounce of self-control within me to not walk right out then and there. Professor, I respect you immensely as an intellect, and you are far more learned that I may ever be. However, let me tell you exactly why I can’t take you seriously with Comic Sans: Some may say Comic SansRead More
By now we’ve seen the headlines.  We’ve scrambled to make sense of a horrific act of violence that brought a quiet college town to its knees.  We’ve cursed, we’ve mourned and in the case of us Gauchos, we’ve stood together – wounded but unified – in the wake of unspeakable tragedy. Last Friday, a gunman drove through the UCSB beachside town of Isla Vista slaughtering six and wounding thirteen more before turning the gun on himself.  Hours before the event, he uploaded a video explaining the reasons for his attack. Read More

Posted On May 21, 2014By Brian WrayIn Internet, The Scene

Red vs Blue: The Forgotten Series

There’s nothing funnier than parody. Growing up, I had a number of friends who adored the video game Halo like it was their first girlfriend (and in a few cases, it still is). They would wake up in the morning and play, come home from school and play, go to bed and probably still play. Halo was not just a game, it was a culture. It had one of the biggest online communities this side of JDate. It was a legitimate excuse for any young boy not to turn inRead More