Issues Tag

Posted On December 22, 2014By Kelli JohnsonIn The Scene, Up For Debate

Miss World Cancels Swimsuit Portion, Oh My!

Let me preface this by saying that I have no issue with beauty pageants…or whatever the politically correct people of the Internet want to call them. If you’re beautiful with a rockin’ bod, hats off to you, my friend! However, I do take an issue with the fact that we are still pretending these beauty pageants are anything more than beauty pageants. Yes, these women are philanthropists and scholars and diplomats and general do-gooders. But first and foremost, they are beautiful. They are beautiful women, who are ALSO those otherRead More

Posted On December 16, 2014By Basic BeccaIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

A Different Kind of Homesick

The holiday season is here, and, for many of us, that means going home to the places and the people that have been watching us grow up. Returning home means running into everyone I never wanted to see again at one of the five bars in my hometown and having to relearn how to drive a car after months of walking and taking the subway. It means getting to eat my mom’s bombass breakfasts and snuggle with my cat whenever he lets me. It means spending every second with myRead More
It happened.  The best night of the year, in my opinion – the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. I haven’t missed a show since I was 15 and now beautiful things such as DVR and smart phones allow me to watch the entirety of display of perfection at my own convenience. If my assumptions are correct, it would be safe to say that more girls are excited to watch 47 models display breathtaking beauty than most men. I’ll admit it. I’m more excited than most of my guy friends.   TheseRead More

Posted On December 14, 2014By Brendon LemonIn Buzzworthy, The Scene

An Open Letter to Brian Kilmeade, Fox News host

Hey Brian!   How’s it going man? Still rocking that 8th grade haircut?   So I was recently watching The Daily Show when I saw a brief clip of what you said to Jon Stewart (, and boy, Jon is right.   Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe it’s just the lying (, horrible news network you work for and their destructive culture that has got you saying things so petty. I mean, I can’t believe you really support eugenics ( Maybe being on TV everyday and having to just keepRead More
You’ve seen it everywhere lately. Unless you’ve been hiding under an incredibly immense boulder, you’re aware what’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri. You’re aware what’s going on in New York City. You’re aware that widespread protests, riots, and general civil unrest are permeating the streets of American cities and towns from coast to coast. You know the material facts – that two unarmed black men are dead, killed by police officers. You know that there are two sides to the issue – one side defending the police officers’ actions asRead More

Posted On December 8, 2014By StaffIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

10 Signs You are Broke AF

Sidenote: If somebody out there is handing out jobs or free cash, hook ya girl up 1. You browsed the Craigslist “ETC” category in desperation, and now are signed up for 6 “market research studies,” none of which you’re sure are legit. Oh well, I don’t need my Social Security Number anyway, you can have it. 2. “Broke with Expensive Taste” is your anthem. 3. “I can subsist off of nothing but pasta and lentils until the next time I get paid, right?” You don’t get paid for another twoRead More

Posted On November 21, 2014By Payal MajithiaIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Is Skinniness Really Everything?

To be considered beautiful in our society is to be skinny, slim, have that endearing little thigh gap. Plus Model Magazine claims, “Twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, she weighs 23% less.” How far is pushing the scale to be “pretty” in our society? We are made more aware of the immense prevalence of body image and how they affect females of all age and races in Western societies. The weight loss industry is so successful because it preys on peoples’Read More

Posted On November 20, 2014By Rachel HarrisonIn Buzzworthy, The Scene

Holiday Survival Guide

The holiday season is upon us! Rejoice! It’s the most wonderful time of the year, full of good times with family, friends, and credit card debt. While the holidays are wonderful, they do present their own set of challenges. Here are some typical trying scenarios and some creative solutions to help you successfully navigate the holiday season.     Scenario One: Your Aunt Cathy is convinced she has a gluten allergy. Unfortunately, Cathy hosts Thanksgiving every year. She plans on subjecting your entire family to a gluten-free Thanksgiving dinner, withRead More

Posted On November 18, 2014By Kelsey DarlingIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Womanhood: 3 Truths and a Lie

Wearing a bra is more exhausting than wearing pants. Yes, they are necessary and eventually become a regular way of life, but you have to realize we go through training for that shit.  And it is both exciting and horribly embarrassing at the same time.  The extreme blush of buying your first bra with your mother, the shy confidence that comes from having your bra strap snapped by the boys at recess–bra training really drains your emotions!  Now I wonder why I was ever excited about training for this perma-seatbeltRead More

Posted On November 17, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Ramblings

Anatomy of an Anxious Girl

She grabs your shoulders from behind, in a back-hug and shakes you around like a my-sized, standing shake and bake…also how you’re not supposed to shake a newborn baby. “Look at you! You’re amazing!” She says to your reflection that stares from an abandoned and mirrored headboard on the sidewalk that you’re sure has witnessed a night or eighty of raunchy sex. You tell her you may cry because you’re hungry and tears are your undue reaction to low blood sugar. You try not to for the sake of theRead More
I understand that sometimes, people really don’t know that much about feminism and are genuinely curious about it, so henceforth they try and ask questions which is 100% okay. But other times, people are just downright ignorant or dismissive about the subject and refuse to hear anything more about the topic. Some people simply don’t realize the feminism is essentially about the political, socioeconomic, and gendered equality of the sexes. What they might be getting feminism confused with is misandry (the belief that women are superior to men) which isRead More
So, I live in Atlanta and if you don’t know, the weather here is a fucking joke. As in, “Today will be a low of 30 degrees and a high of 75.” That’s not even an exaggeration, that was the weather report two days ago. Which means I start off many a morning like, “WTF am I supposed to wear? Do I dress for winter or summer? Hellllpppp!!!” Unfortunately I’m not in elementary school and can’t just ask my mom what I should wear. Thankfully, my friend told me aboutRead More

Posted On November 6, 2014By Will GoldsteinIn Buzzworthy, Issues, Lifestyle, The Scene

Wayne Brady is Sad Too

In the past year, the entertainment industry has suffered the loss of renowned comedians and thespians (you know who they are). In response, general depression awareness levels were heightened on a national level. The societal fear of losing another entertainment icon (if you’re a millennial like I am, you miss the hell out of Peter Banning) has rattled the most durable of psyches, prompting those who suffer, primarily those inhabiting the vicious world of entertainment, to open up about their illness. Comedian Wayne Brady is the latest to go candid.Read More

Posted On November 2, 2014By Will GoldsteinIn Buzzworthy, Issues, The Scene

Justice for Scott Johnson

On December 9th, 1988, 27-year-old Scott Johnson, a gay American mathematician, was found dead and naked on the rocks near Blue Fish Point in Sydney, Australia. No unusual conditions were noted. It was reported a suicide. A judge corroborated this theory. Scott’s older brother, Steve Johnson, thought differently. After hiring a private investigator, it became clear to Mr. Johnson that suicide was most likely not the case. Instead, it was discovered that Blue Fish Point was, in fact, what was known in Sydney as a ‘gay beat’, which is toRead More
I’d been working for two weeks straight and it was my day off so I was a little apprehensive when my housemate suggested we go see a movie called Gone Girl. I was totally unaware of this movie, hadn’t seen any trailers. Somehow it was totally off my radar. “Gone Girl?” I thought, “Why are we going to see a chick flick?”   Looking ahead at a day of playing Borderlands and not wearing pants, I thought that I may as well schedule some time to stretch my legs andRead More