When my baby teeth fell out of my head, they were replaced with a complete set of adult sweet-teeth. My teeth and I have been through quite a lot together– phases of Nerds, licorice, caramel apples, Sour Punch Straws, and so much more. An embarrassing number of cavities later, and I’ve had to investigate some healthier alternatives. If you’re like me and looking for some easy, better than candy recipes, try these:
1. Frozen Yogurt Melts
Easier than tying your shoe, this recipe yields a delicious frozen snack. It’s quick and the cleanup is painless! Don’t be fooled, this snack is not just for babies. Go crazy and try different flavors.
2. DIY Trail Mix
Stores like Sprouts offer a delicious selection of nuts, dried fruit, and miscellaneous goodies that are perfect for making trail mix, catered to your own perfection.
3. Cereal
Cereal is actually one of my favorite substitutes when I’m craving sweets. I can still get my sugar on, but a tasty bowl of cereal has less sugar than a bag of Skittles.
4. Jello-Coated Frozen Grapes
If you’re craving the sour-sweet candies, this is a nice cheat and super easy. Get some grapes and a box of jello. After washing the grapes, roll them in the jello powder. Freeze them in a Ziploc bag and enjoy!
5. Frozen Chocolate Covered Banana Bites
Find the simple recipe here.
6. Homemade Popsicles
Buy a plastic popsicle tray from Target or use Dixie cups and make your own yummy popsicles! Fill with your favorite juice and you can even add chunks of real fruit. I wouldn’t judge if you added some vodka.
7. Light Kettle Corn
Satisfies that salty and sweet craving.
8. A Spoonful of Peanut Butter
Classic and it never gets old.
Tags : Candy, Dieting, DIY, Eating, Food, Frozen yogurt, Girlzone, Health, Healthy, Nerds, Popsicle, Skittles, snacks, Sweet tooth, sweets, tips
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