This video should be considered and educational piece for guys to decide whether or not a girl will be “dateable.” Also, he clearly lays out how girls judge guys (money and hotness duh). The WASP of a man totally nailed it…I mean, every “Tiffany” I have met, was effing crazy. Please watch and take notes. (*note just jump to :53 when he starts doing the graph). Where my unicorns at?!
Read MoreThe days of casual conversations have been traded in for abbreviated text conversations and Snap Chat exchanges. The “Hello, how are you?” has transitioned to “What’s up?”, and “That’s so funny” to “LOL.” Now these changes don’t just apply to everyday conversations, but rather every human interaction we have nowadays – including the sometimes uncomfortable elevator rides. Now there are probably a few things that people should consider when riding in elevators. For instance, don’t ever do anything personal in an elevator because there is always someone watching…always. Just look
Read MorePosted On July 30, 2014By The Bored MillennialIn Ramblings
I swoon over a british accent as much as the next girl, but these 3 Brits are extra special. This article is going to be a bit more philosophical (bored millennial philosophical that is…) about 3 Brits who are talented and famous – I didn’t know such a thing could exist! They had their cake… and they are eating it too. And I would like to officially give them The Bored Millennial American Citizenship Certificate and/or adopt them to become my very own American adult children. So with that, below
Read MoreI don’t listen to the radio often, but today I felt the urge to listen to some top 40 hits. TGIF, ya know? I caught wind of the new Tiesto song, “Wasted.” Or maybe it’s not new, I don’t know what’s on the radio these days. But anyways. I started listening to this song and I mean REALLY listening and all I could think was how every statement in this song is so wrong. So let me break it down for you. 1. “I like it better when we’re
Read MoreWe’ve all heard them… around the water cooler… in gym class… during that uncomfortable “what the heck do we even talk about?!” time with your grandparents around the holidays. We’ve all heard some pretty outlandish claims in our lifetimes and yet there are still those perpetuating myths that simply won’t die. Perhaps, we should blame Hollywood movies or simply an uninformed society, but the fact is, these untruths are continuing to spread and I, for one, am sick of it. So here it is…four popular myths (or rather the first
Read MoreMy chest feels tight, breathing has become a struggle, and my vision gets a little blurry; this is not regarding the latest episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County, but my future. My attention span has noticeably shrunk and anxiety-provoking thoughts race through my mind. “What the hell is going on?” I ask myself. Then I realize, I’m 25 years old, and while I thought I was ready to put my early-twenties to rest, I’m still horrified of the uncertain. This must be what a Quarter-Life crisis feels like.
Read MoreI’ll just come right out and say it: Georgia has the best drivers. Everyone likes to think their state has the best drivers but I’ll tell you, Georgia drivers are the best. From the way they never honk their horns at people trying to pull stupid and/or illegal moves, to the way that they never seem to have anywhere important to go, man I just love ’em. The only place with better drivers is LA, where they are aggressively stupid and try to commit vehicular manslaughter. Here’s some of my
Read MoreHas anyone else noticed a rise in angry, rude, and unnecessary comments online? Where there used to be likes, up votes, and encouraging comments there are now trolls and real angry words. What caused this shift, and why does it seem to be getting worse? Obviously some people’s mothers forgot to tell them that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Aside from missing life advice, there are five things that are definitely contributing to this wave, and there are surely others. 1. Newness
Read MoreI recently read an article on Thought Catalog entitled “25 men discuss the difference between the girl they want to date and the girl they want to hook up with.” Now. I mean this as no discredit to the author, because she simply posed the question on the website Reddit and recorded twenty-five of the responses. To her credit, it is an interesting concept in essence. The subject alone has the potential to become a really provocative peek into the so called “toxic hook up culture” and get an interesting conversation started.
Read MoreA girl power playlist of all these great songs you totally forgot about. Ladies night karaoke anyone? Nasty Girl – Destiny’s Child (2002) This Destiny’s Child jam was overshadowed by the singles “Survivor” and “Bootylicious” off of their third studio album, also titled “Survivor.” It’s a fun, sassy song with catty lyrics like “Shakin’ that thang on that man / Lookin’ all stank and nasty / Swore you look cute girl in them dukes / Booty all out lookin’ trashy.” Damn. This song might not fly if released today considering it’s totally slut
Read MorePosted On July 15, 2014By Rachel HarrisonIn Movies
It’s halfway through July and summer love is in the air. In honor of love, here are the top 5 most romantic movie scenes… Final Scene – When Harry Met Sally This is arguably the most beloved RomCom of all time, thanks to a smart, hilarious script by the lovely late Nora Ephron. It’s a classic. Most people are familiar with the orgasm scene (which is fantastic) but the last scene is truly one of the most rewarding endings to any film ever made. Billy Crystal is perfect, making bitter and
Read MoreMove over, Top 40. With a track record of running out of singles and swiping my credit card at the jukebox, I am a self-proclaimed aficionado (So far, the only song I’ve ever paid for to be skipped by the bartender has been Tearin’ Up My Heart and it was 10 p.m. in a biker bar so I deserved it). Next time you find yourself up against the jukebox, have a little faith in some of these gems — fingers crossed nobody played an entire Metallica album before you. In that case, leave immediately.
Read MoreFailure is a term we hate to hear in our vocabulary, let alone actually use it to describe one of our attempts at something great. Society does not commend defeat, nor do we as individuals actually want to celebrate a moment of downfall. But maybe in order to truly appreciate the extraordinary events in our life, we have to understand our lowest lows to recognize our highest highs. Success is something that we work towards and it’s measured in different magnitudes based on the individual’s values. Before we reach the
Read MoreIt’s already been established that the best time to be a kid ever in the history of the universe was the 90’s. Many awesome factors contributed to this, but none quite as sugary as some of the epic treats. Let’s take a moment to remember the deliciousness and be grateful that nobody really cared about whether or not anything was organic back then. Mondo/Squeezeits It’s hard to say what was more awesome about the Mondo/Squeezeit drinking experience. The cool plastic bottles with the twist-off caps or the fact that you
Read MoreSince I was a child, one of the most important life matters to me has been traveling the world. I am lucky enough to have lived and taught abroad, and although the list of countries I want to visit is longer than the list of countries I have been, I have learned much from street food consumption, peeing in holes in the ground, and sleeping in hostels with kittens, mosquitos, and Austrian men. The following lessons may be clouded by my personal experiences, but they are an assemblage of advice that
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