Post-friendsgiving and pre-ginger-ale ordering at a bar because the fear of vomiting after the many mixes and matches of food and drinks was real, a friend inquired about my plans to go home for both holidays. “You’re going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas?” He asked, surprised at the repeated venture, requiring an airline flight or ten hour car ride a matter of weeks away from one another. I gushed to him about how significant the holidays were to me, my brother was extremely sick a couple years ago and the morbid fear
Read MoreEvery weekday morning, I turn on the news to hear voices. It is unlikely that I will engage in active listening before I’ve had my first cup of coffee. However, hearing the weatherman’s warm voice and seeing the traffic reporter in full hair and makeup reminds me that there are other souls awake. As a non-morning person, this daily routine inspires me to get up and stay up. Sometimes I’ll drink my coffee and pause for a second to hear what my news anchor friends are blabbing about. Last Monday, before 7am, they told
Read MoreI find myself glumly returning to the pool of unemployed college graduates JUST in time for holiday parties. How convenient. I broke up with my job on Friday and I have to admit, it felt good! I’ve never broken up with a person and felt this positive afterwards. But, like any split, we have to deal with the allocation of snacks, random gifts, and office supplies (that turned out to be more happenstance than intentional because I left in a hurry). Here’s the way the cookie crumbled: What They
Read MoreThanksgiving is upon us, and while your mother is obsessing over the green bean casserole and complaining that the stuffing didn’t come “just right”, you’re mentally preparing for the day. From the hangover your already dreading after tonight’s #TGE parties, to the food coma that will follow the feast, to the prodding questions about your love life and future from your great Aunt Betty. But why not spice up your Thanksgiving this year (no pun intended) with some simple and quick pumpkin-themed treats that are sure to be crowd pleasers.
Read MoreI may not have you yet, and am not in a position to have you this year or even the next. But I do know that I will love you when I do. I envision us during the holiday season, my son playing with action figures by the fireplace, my daughter playing with a new doll. And if it is my daughter playing with action figures, and my son cradling a new doll, I know I will be just as happy. Although I can’t guarantee exactly how your lives will
Read MoreI’m the type of person that will avoid conflict, confrontation, and basically, any form of criticism at all costs. As a kid, I would write notes to my parents whenever I was asking for something. Not because they were mean people, but because they might say no and I would rather receive that information from a checked box than a verbal, “Not this time, sweetheart.” I quit a job via letter once. After my boss received it, she called me and left a voicemail. I was too nervous to listen
Read MoreWe all have that one Aunt or Grandparent that asks too many questions about your life at Thanksgiving dinner, and frankly, you don’t have the energy or care to answer them. It is annoying; it is a waste of breath; and you are most likely just going to be yelled at for whatever answer you give them, even if you’re telling them something good. You’re never right and they’re never wrong. Here are the generic, irritating and useless questions I’m sure we all have received at least once: 1.
Read More6 months ago I walked across the stage at Madison Square Garden, accepted my college diploma, and took a selfie. 6 months ago I said farewell to a place I had called home for the past four years. 6 months gone, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss the long nights turned into mornings spent with people I’ll never forget. Post-grads of the present warned us how much we’d miss college, how the real world was terrifying, boring, and all you would want to do was go back.
Read MoreAs a young female professional who’s had a full time job for about four months now, I think I’m mostly qualified to write this article. Which, judging by the way the business world works, should mean I can probably manage to pull it off. There are a few basic struggles I think pretty much all of my 20-to-30-something female peers working in an office environment can relate to. Correct me if I’m wrong. 1. Older professionals thinking you’re clueless Nothing is more annoying than having a more ‘experienced’
Read MoreTo be considered beautiful in our society is to be skinny, slim, have that endearing little thigh gap. Plus Model Magazine claims, “Twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, she weighs 23% less.” How far is pushing the scale to be “pretty” in our society? We are made more aware of the immense prevalence of body image and how they affect females of all age and races in Western societies. The weight loss industry is so successful because it preys on peoples’
Read MoreI’ve heard many personal accounts from friends who suffer from the frequently talked-about, “Resting Bitch Face.” These friends are sick and tired of people asking them, “What’s wrong?” and telling them they need to smile more. They can’t help that their face invokes fear into every fiber of random onlookers’ being – they were just made that way. And while I can try to sympathize, I can’t say that I really understand what that’s like. Because while they’re trying to stop people from assuming they are habitually pissed off, I’m
Read MoreIf someone asks me what my father does for a living, I tell them he makes cake. Not intending to sound like a brat, but my father really does make dough. He’s a baker. Being the daughter of a baker, you can imagine the delicacies and delicious treats that are always within my hand’s reach. But eating my fill of chocolate goodies is not the only benefit I have. Watching my father run his establishment has provided first-hand knowledge and insight into what it takes to run a small business.
Read MoreWearing a bra is more exhausting than wearing pants. Yes, they are necessary and eventually become a regular way of life, but you have to realize we go through training for that shit. And it is both exciting and horribly embarrassing at the same time. The extreme blush of buying your first bra with your mother, the shy confidence that comes from having your bra strap snapped by the boys at recess–bra training really drains your emotions! Now I wonder why I was ever excited about training for this perma-seatbelt
Read More1. Your weekend plans in the kitchen with your co-worker whose name you forget, but whose mustache crumbs you always remember. The necessity to construe a wholesome response before 8am because having morning sex and eating ramen twice in bed isn’t an acceptable answer to a person who is supposed to regard you professionally is irritating. And if you decided to make toast instead of cereal on that Friday you must engage further while he makes poor over-coffee talk about how fast weekends go by. And how it’s supposed to
Read MoreI understand that sometimes, people really don’t know that much about feminism and are genuinely curious about it, so henceforth they try and ask questions which is 100% okay. But other times, people are just downright ignorant or dismissive about the subject and refuse to hear anything more about the topic. Some people simply don’t realize the feminism is essentially about the political, socioeconomic, and gendered equality of the sexes. What they might be getting feminism confused with is misandry (the belief that women are superior to men) which is
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