Trend on the Rise: Children Climbing into Claw Crane Games Earlier this week a little girl climbed into a claw machine and began passing out toys to others. However, this is the second time within a week that this has happened. Coincidence? I think not. I don’t blame these kids. Those games are so frustrating. So, if I were small enough to crawl in and grab my own toys, why not? That’s a game within itself. The fun challenge is to find your way back out. But apparently this isn’t
Read MoreUtah Family Shows Up Cher from Clueless Okay so this story is mostly depressing, but after reading into the facts more I’m thinking there’s something very strange going on here. A woman in Utah has been accused of killing six of her own babies and storing the bodies in boxes in her garage. Megan Huntsman admitted to strangling and suffocating the children immediately after their births. So all of that is completely disgusting and wrong but here’s the really weird WTF part that got me. Huntsman’s husband had no idea
Read MoreSmart Car Tipping Crime Spree Earlier this week in San Francisco. four Smart cars were turned on their sides in an act of vandalism. Police are investigating suspects and so far the only lead they have are reports of seven hooded figures. Someone call Snow White! Just kidding, there were no reports on their height. Authorities are also trying to decide whether these are just random crime acts or a protest/hate-crime against Smart cars. But you know what I think? I think those hipster city-folk want to have their own
Read MoreI know this week was full of April Fool’s Jokes and your brain is hurting from deciding what is real or not. So, I give you some 100% true WTF headlines to soothe your mind! Join the Mile High Club for only $799! A new airline company called Love Cloud is here to make your mile high fantasies come true! Why waste your time cramming into the tiny airplane bathrooms when you can have an entire plane to yourself to do whatever it is your heart desires? These exclusive aircrafts fly over
Read MoreCircus Elephants Run For It Earlier this week, three elephants escaped the circus in search of a better life. The creatures were fed up with low wages and long hours, so they packed their bags and made a run for it like jail birds. The elephants damaged several cars as well as the circus venue door, but they sadly didn’t make it very far, as they were quickly captured in the parking lot. The handlers claim the elephants are now comfortably resting in their cages. Yeah right. You know they
Read MoreBaby falls 3 stories; saved by mattress Earlier this week in Burbank, CA a child fell 3 stories but was luckily saved by a stranger and his box spring mattress. Konrad Lightner spotted a toddler hanging from a third-story window and called the police. Miraculously, Lightner happened to have a mattress with him and placed it next to the apartment complex. He waited for the child to fall, caught him, and both collapsed onto the mattress. The toddler is doing fine with now, with apparent signs of trauma. Lightner explained,
Read MoreWoman Microwaves Cat for Attacking Goldfish Laura Cunliffe from Northern England was sentenced to jail after microwaving her kitten because she believed it attacked her goldfish. Cunliffe claims she put it in for 5 minutes but removed it after one minute when she realized what she had done. The kitten died soon after. Apparently Laura has been suffering from psychotic depression and sectioned under the Mental Health Act 20 times. No statements have been taken from Cunliffe but the courts seem furious and her family is blaming it on poor
Read MoreJapanese Cat Food Restaurant…For Humans! So leave it to Japan to start the most obscure trends. Earlier this week the Nestle Purina PerCare Company opened the Restaurant Mon Petit in Tokyo (can someone please translate that website for me? I’m really curious as to what it says). Feb 22 was Cat Day in Japan, which is technically an unofficial holiday, but clearly a big deal if they opened a whole restaurant for the occasion. Anywho. For you cat lovers out there this restaurant is only open for a limited time so hurry
Read More GoPro Goes Skydiving, Lands in Pig Pen This is a pretty awesome video that everyone needs to watch, right now. Apparently the story goes like this… A GoPro was about to go skydiving with some jumpers, but unfortunately, they dropped it. Amazingly, the camera continued to record all the way down to the ground until it finally landed in a pig pen. You also get some sweet footage from inside a pig mouth. The camera was found intact 8 months later and the owner uploaded this video. There is
Read MoreThe latest in WTF News from the past week includes some truly wacky stories. Enjoy. Teen Takes Selfie with Dead Body So I’ve never been into the whole “selfie” phenomena, but this girl gets the ultimate fail. A senior at Clements High School in Alabama took a selfie with a cadaver during an anatomy field trip to the University of Alabama. The University states, “sheets were not supposed to be removed from donated bodies and that under no circumstance were students or any other visitors supposed to have cell phones
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here’s more of the WTF news that makes us appreciate the wacky world in which we live… GERMAN COWS WITH EXPLODING FLATULENCE When I heard about this one earlier in the week I laughed like an immature 3rd grader. In the German town of Rasdorf, some dairy cows–who must have had something awful for dinner–needed to pass some gas. 90 cows let it rip, building up the levels of methane gas in the shed. According to a Reuters news agency, “a static electric charge caused the gas to
Read MoreDRIVER DIDN’T SEE CYCLIST IN WINDSHIELD Okay, this one just blows my mind. Poor Steven Gove was out on his paper route biking with all the reflective and flashing gear to keep him safe. However, that did not stop a driver from smashing into him, causing him to become lodged in the windshield. The driver did not say anything to Gove, and continued on his drive home. He proceeded to run a stop sign, hit another vehicle and then park his car. The driver finally noticed Gove and asked “Who
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