[email protected] To:
[email protected] Subject: Re: Confirmed! Randy’s Chinese Food received your order. Estimated delivery: 45-60 minutes. [12:11 a.m.] To Whom It May Concern— Please cancel this order. When I placed it mere moments ago, the Seamless website told me there had been an error, and that I should start from the beginning and order again. Being in the famished state I am, I opted to not give Seamless another try. It’d be a waste of valuable time if I were to recreate the order only to find another error
Read MoreAs a former bartender, I find great pleasure in listing all the things you can do, as a customer, that really and truly leave us pulling our hair out. Some of you may be aware, some of you may have no idea; so, for future reference and for the sake of every bartender, everywhere, let me explain in more detail. Ordering one drink at a time: Now, we are not, nor have we ever claimed to have an impeccable memory that grants us our own page in the ‘Guinness
Read MoreOn the 4th of July, most people feel American while drinking a Budweiser. Others prefer an obnoxious red, white, and blue bottle of Svedka…which isn’t even an American company, so get it together! If you want to feel really American, there’s only one beverage that makes sense: good ol’ Kentucky bourbon whiskey. And this July 4th, I was able to try a truly transcendent taste of bourbon – Orphan Barrel’s limited release Rhetoric whiskey. This 20 year-old bottle of bliss is a bourbon lover’s dream. BUT you better get
Read More 1. Watching your coffee pot fill up in the morning is so beautiful it moves you to tears (it’s the miracle of life) 2. You wouldn’t wish decaf on your worst enemy. 3. There is a special place in hell for people who try and lecture you on “the dangers of caffeine.” 4. You want to punch anyone who drinks lattes, caramel macchiatos, or anything of that sort and has the AUDACITY to call it coffee. 5. You will always sacrifice a couple extra minutes of sleep to make
Read MoreIt’s practically summertime (technically the calendar says June 21st but we all know the second the thermometer broke 60 it was officially summer), the weather’s heating up, and there’s nothing better than cooling down with a great drink. Now, I don’t know about you guys, but when I think “summer,” the first liquor that comes to mind is rum. Think about it: it’s in pina coladas, daquiris, mojitos, if it’s cold and refreshing, chances are it’s got rum in it. Yep, rum is definitely the go-to summertime liquor. Enter: the
Read MoreI love to travel, especially in the summer when it feels like all I should be doing is having fun, laying by the pool, and reading. Unfortunately, now that I’ve graduated and my dear mother isn’t paying my bills anymore, a whole lot of travel during the summer isn’t feasible. Yes, of course I’ll go on a couple small weekend trips, but it will be nothing compared to the month I spent in Switzerland two summers ago (although it will be infinitely better than the two months I spent in
Read MoreWhen I first entered the bar scene at the ripe age of 21, I was a nervous wreck. For one, I may have been 21, but I looked about 12 (or so I was harshly told) …so I had this unfounded paranoia that I just didn’t really belong and would subsequently be stuffed in trash cans or kicked out and have cheap liquor thrown in my face if I even attempted to order a drink. Furthermore, my only experience with alcohol up until that point had been whatever horrid concoctions
Read MoreThere are four ways my day can start out. If you see me in the morning, as most people at work do, you can know exactly how I’m doing based on my coffee. Not my coffee consumption or what type of coffee, nothing of that sort. It’s the thing that carries the coffee, whatever you want to call it. 1. No Coffee (not really) And by no coffee I mean no coffee at work. This day has not existed in about a month, maybe more. This is of course, my most impressive
Read MoreKentucky Derby weekend! You know what that means—bets, big hats, and adult beverages. Now, typically Derby weekend is associated with the well-known, bourbon-based Mint Julep, but thanks to celebrity chef Hugh Acheson and Captain Morgan rum, this year there’s another drink in town. It’s called the Mint Mutiny, it features my favorite type of liquor, and it tastes like love and summertime. After mixing a glass up for myself this afternoon, I’d like to assure my friends that there will be plenty of Mutiny coming their way this weekend…and probably
Read MoreI once took a quiz for a psychology class that was supposed to test how addictive your personality is. The results were basically like: “DO NOT TRY DRUGS YOU HAVE A SUPER ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY AND YOU WILL PROBABLY DIE.” I took that quiz long after I had already become hopelessly devoted to the beautiful bitter sweetness that is coffee. It’s pretty much been confirmed: I’m addicted. My family knows. My friends know. My acquaintances know. Complete strangers know. They accept it. In case you’re wondering about what life is like
Read MoreIn Portland, Oregon there exists a famous locale known for its trademark pink boxes and interesting culinary creations. Voodoo Doughnut is well-known to Oregon locals, but until recently, the eclectic eatery had yet to expand past the borders of the Beaver State. No more. Two months ago, the famous chain headed a little bit East and opened up its new, fourth location in Denver, Colorado, only a stone’s throw from my home in Boulder. Naturally, I had to go see what all the fuss was about. When my girlfriend and I
Read MoreWhen my baby teeth fell out of my head, they were replaced with a complete set of adult sweet-teeth. My teeth and I have been through quite a lot together– phases of Nerds, licorice, caramel apples, Sour Punch Straws, and so much more. An embarrassing number of cavities later, and I’ve had to investigate some healthier alternatives. If you’re like me and looking for some easy, better than candy recipes, try these: 1. Frozen Yogurt Melts Easier than tying your shoe, this recipe yields a delicious frozen snack. It’s quick and
Read MoreIf you live anywhere east of California, you know where to go to feel good in the morning, or any time of the day for that matter. Where the coffee is fantastic, the donuts are savory, and everything is amazing. If you don’t believe in heaven on Earth, then you haven’t visited a Dunkin’ Donuts. Let me speak on behalf of all Californians in saying, what are we paying taxes for if there’s no Dunkin’? Currently, there are only 2 Dunkin’ Donuts locations in Southern Cal – Barstow and Oceanside.
Read MoreAre you broke and hungry? A starving college student or recent graduate with no culinary expertise…or money? Here’s how you can eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week – all for under $60. It may sound crazy, but local farmers markets, such as Sprouts, can be one of the cheapest grocery stores… even compared to corporate stores such as Safeway or King Soopers. Stores that get most of their produce locally tend to have not only better, organic foods, but shockingly low prices as well. Through my years
Read MoreAlright dudes, listen up. If you’re older than a college freshman and not in a fraternity, then it’s time you man the hell up and stop drinking Keystone Light, Natty Ice, and PBR. Actually, let’s go a step past that: start having some damn class – no more Bud Light, Coors Light, or Corona either. Get into microbrews, get into imports, and start acting like a cultured MAN instead of some frat dudebro who thinks drinking Corona is getting classy. It isn’t and it never will be. BUT, just because
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