If you have older AND younger siblings, you’ve undoubtedly heard time and again about the woes of being the ‘middle child.’ According to psychologists and parenting magazines, we middle kids are often lost in the mess of life between the excitement of the oldest children and the sentimentality connected with the ‘babies’ of the family. We supposedly get less attention, feel left out, and crave validation. You hear that, moms and dads? Life is hard out there for us middle kids. Although some of these things might be true, those
Read MoreI realize the purpose of yoga is to quiet the mind and soul, but I own one of those spider webbed minds of anxiety that lacks the dexterity to let thoughts be. Instead of focusing on my downward dog, my thoughts ping around like a pigeon stuck in a subway station. After climbing five flights of stairs in a maze like stack of slender corridors that inspire feelings of despair in never seeing daylight again, I arrived at a light-filled loft overlooking San Francisco. These are the thoughts loitering in
Read MoreIt was Senior year of college. I was stressed, but we were all stressed. I’d like to say I was more stressed than you were, but who am I to say such a thing? What I’m saying is I was stressed. And even more, I was getting fatter. It was terrible. I lived on the beach, but the thought of a bathing suit gave me more anxiety than the amount of shopping debt I’d gotten myself into. (I’m always in shopping debt and now Chase keeps calling trying to offer
Read MoreI recently went on what I can only describe as the most romantic date I have ever been on in my life. The guy, who I’d already hung out with and gotten to know, and whom I already really liked, found a wine bar in a great neighborhood that we both loved. For the record, I love wine, especially red, and I was flattered that he had already taken the time to find a place that catered to my interests. Leading up to the date, my excitement was ridiculous –
Read MoreA while ago I wrote an extremely coherent and intelligently worded post on my personal blog, which later appeared on Betches Love This, about why I hate it when dudes ask me to “come over and watch a movie.” Since then I’ve gotten a lot of shit from guys being all, “I don’t see what the big deal is, I pull that move all the time, it’s great and super effective,” blah blah blah. Okay, so I guess I wasn’t clear enough the first time so I’m coming back at you
Read MoreIt’s hard out there for a chick. It’s never been a cakewalk for us females and despite girl power being at an all time high, the 21st century has introduced a slew of new problems. We are now faced with difficulties such as… 8 – Attempting to do some DIY seen on Pinterest and ending up with a mason jar full of glitter, a terrible burn from a hot glue gun, and the worst tangle in the history of hair. Pinterest is the birthplace of disappointment, frustration, and injury. 7
Read MoreBecause you can’t always do it the easy way… Think Spend Sunday night marinating in a bath of whiskey and deep thought. What do you want? What do you not want? How do you feel? Make a pros and cons list if that helps. But seriously jump in a bubble bath at least and check in with yourself. Write Tell your feelings to a blank journal page. Try to make sense of your feelings. The Decision Decide, almost on a premeditated whim, that you are going to
Read More-David Rosenberg- Twitter: @DavRosenberg Instagram: DAVE_ROSENBERG My choice for this Monday has got to be David Rosenberg, and my oh my is he pretty. Maybe it’s his soulful deep eyes, or those beautiful pouty lips that make him delicious. I find myself enthralled by how you can lose yourself in the penetrating gaze of his. Besides his looks, I also like the fact he surfed for his school team, because that just sounds AWESOME. He is a South African model who has been featured in Italy, and also has a
Read MoreGood Day Silver Can, You’re probably feeling uncomfortable. I’m sure you’ve heard it on the streets, near the locker room, even outside that little theater in your neighborhood. So I’m going to say it to you, right here, directly, with no # or @… I love you. Sure, you hear it all the time! Maybe some of your friends (caffeine-free DC) even think it’s going to your head (re: your latest ad campaign), but do the others really mean it? Do they sing your praises day in, day out, against
Read MoreThis just in: rubbing one out no longer has to be a private (giggity) and shameful affair. Gone are the days of smashing the nearest pillow into your lap when your roommate, or God forbid, your mother, walks in while you are having a moment with yourself. No more awkwardly blushing and trying to change the subject while utterly failing to make it appear as though you aren’t a sicko that actually does it – although it is extremely rare that I meet a man that doesn’t enjoy talking about
Read MoreI once took a quiz for a psychology class that was supposed to test how addictive your personality is. The results were basically like: “DO NOT TRY DRUGS YOU HAVE A SUPER ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY AND YOU WILL PROBABLY DIE.” I took that quiz long after I had already become hopelessly devoted to the beautiful bitter sweetness that is coffee. It’s pretty much been confirmed: I’m addicted. My family knows. My friends know. My acquaintances know. Complete strangers know. They accept it. In case you’re wondering about what life is like
Read MoreFrom personal experience and from seeing my friends relationships crash and burn, I know the single life can sometimes suck. Being single has the benefits of talking to whoever you want whenever you want, flirting constantly, and being able to do you to the fullest. But, what being single leaves out is the semi-permanent (maybe permanent) person whom you can count on, cuddle with, and have a sexual relationship with- with strings attached. When you have a significant other, they remind you of how awesome you are even if you
Read MorePosted On April 29, 2014By Rachel HarrisonIn Girlzone, Men
Ah, the nineties. What a wonderful decade to grow up in. The glory days of Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel. The most epic toys were introduced in the nineties – can you imagine a childhood without Tamagotchi funerals or summers without intense backyard Super Soaker battles? But perhaps the best part about growing up in the nineties was the legendary selection of Tiger Beat dreamboats to crush on. All these years later and I’m still swooning. 5 – Tommy the Power Ranger I don’t know the name of the actor who
Read MoreAll your friends are getting married Bills Committed relationship (with your student loans) Debt Exploring and traveling Fading out of old friendships Grocery shopping for one Hangovers Interviews Juggling multiple part-time jobs with your fancy college degree Keeping in touch with friends that are worth it Learning how to pretend Morning-after pills New cities, new people One-night stands Pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Quitting jobs that don’t deserve you Realizing how cool your family is Scheduling your own appointments Taxes Unemployment Villainous bosses Whiskey is the new vodka cranberry
Read MorePosted On April 28, 2014By Maggie NelsonIn Girlzone, Men
-Aaron Paul- Twitter: @aaronpaul_8 Instagram: glassofwhiskey Known for: His amazing acting career and his use of the word ‘bitch.’ -We all know him, we all love him. Aaron Paul may be the perfect man. Aaron really broke out onto the scene playing Jesse Pinkman, a junkie screw up turned badass meth cook you learn to love, in Breaking Bad. He just seems like the coolest guy there is – he loves pizza, his gorgeous wife (sorry girls, he’s taken) and posing for pictures with his mouth open while still managing to
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